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Tag Archives: industry groups

First draft of global plastics agreement released

Published: September 6, 2023


Stakeholders and involved parties will continue to debate the precise language of the agreement. | Nexus 7/Shutterstock

The first working draft of the United Nations’ global plastics agreement lays out the broad strokes of what is intended to be a legally binding way to manage plastic pollution on land and in the oceans. Continue Reading

Group urges Congress to ban EPS foodservice items

Published: September 6, 2023


In addition to its proposed ban on EPS packaging, Ocean Conservancy wants to ensure banned items aren’t simply replaced by other single-use plastic items. | Courtesy of Ocean Conservancy

As it kicks off its 38th International Coastal Cleanup, environmental group Ocean Conservancy is calling for a nationwide ban on expanded polystyrene foodservice packaging.  Continue Reading

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Industry group calls for PCR quality standards

Published: August 1, 2023


The Alliance to End Plastic Waste argues that consistent specifications for quality material will help drive investment in sorting and collection technology. | Fabrika Simf/Shutterstock

The Alliance to End Plastic Waste suggested the recycling industry in the European Union develop target specifications for processed materials to ease the transition to a circular economy. Continue Reading

Comments to EPA emphasize standardization

Published: August 8, 2023

Plastics littering a beach in Malaysia.

Many responses from environmental groups focused on the need for the U.S. EPA’s National Strategy to Prevent Plastic Pollution to rein in the generation of new plastics. | Rich Carey/Shutterstock

The U.S. EPA asked for input on its draft National Strategy to Prevent Plastic Pollution, and recycling industry stakeholders have answered.  Continue Reading

Groups to EPA: Consider source reduction and EPR

Published: July 25, 2023

Plastics waste on a beach seen from above.

Marine pollution was a focus of a number of industry and environmental groups offering thoughts on the U.S. EPA’s plastics strategy. | Mario De Moya F/Shutterstock

Ahead of a July 31 deadline, the EPA has received nearly 100 comments on its draft National Strategy to Prevent Plastic Pollution, many of them calling for federal-level programs. Continue Reading

Do deposits decrease beverage sales? Study says no

Published: July 19, 2023

Grocery store aisle with Coca-Cola products.

The Container Recycling Institute and Reloop released a study showing that deposit return systems do not have a negative effect on beverage sales. | Zety Akhzar/Shutterstock

A study looking at two decades of beverage sale trends around the world found that there was no decrease in sales when deposit return systems went into effect or were expanded.  Continue Reading

US sees recycling as key part of global plastics deal

Published: March 14, 2023


Steve Alexander of APR (left) and Monica Medina of the U.S. State Department at the 2023 Plastics Recycling Conference. | Big Wave Productions and Resource Recycling, Inc.

The Biden administration envisions a global plastics agreement that requires each country to take steps to boost demand for recycled resin, including through use of public procurement policies and packaging standardization. Continue Reading

Panelists: Consistency is key to plastics sustainability

Published: June 13, 2023


From left: Keefe Harrison, Jennifer Russell and Matt Seaholm. | Big Wave Productions/Plastics Recycling Update

How to make plastics sustainable and improve recycling infrastructure was the focus of a recent panel discussion, with stakeholders pointing to transparency, public trust and standardization.  Continue Reading