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Tag Archives: industry groups

Diversity, equity and inclusion vital to future operations

Published: April 26, 2022

Interviewing candidates waiting room.

A presenter at NERC’s Spring Conference encouraged recruitment managers to implement specific practices to reduce bias in hiring decisions.  | fizkes/Shutterstock

Diversity, equity and inclusion are no longer add-ons, but a necessary part of any serious company, panelists at the Northeast Recycling Council’s Spring 2022 Conference said.

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Q&A: Seizing the moment on recycling policy

Published: April 20, 2022


EPR bills, proposed in a number of states, aim to improve curbside collection and more. | Jared Paben

Last year, Maine and Oregon each passed major pieces of recycling legislation that incorporated elements of extended producer responsibility (EPR) for packaging, a strategy in which producers are mandated to fund packaging recovery in those states. Continue Reading

Canada Plastics Pact names ‘problematic plastics’

Published: April 20, 2022

Garbage bags with foam food-service packaging.

On the list are plastics with undetectable carbon black, PVC, PVDC, EPS, PS, PETG in rigid plastic and oxo-degradable plastics. | wk1003mike/Shutterstock

The Canada Plastics Pact released nine design rules to move toward a circular economy, a document that included a list of “problematic plastics” to avoid.  Continue Reading

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Why EPR for packaging failed in Washington state

Published: March 30, 2022

Graphic showing cogs of rules, regulations, compliance, standards and policies.

Extended producer responsibility proposals have been discussed in several states in 2022. | EtiAmmos/Shutterstock

A Washington state zero waste group was engaging in “intense negotiations” on an extended producer responsibility bill this year, but the legislation stalled anyway. One advocate said she’s now looking at other states to help inspire next steps.

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Municipal recycling group blasts one area of chemical recycling

Published: March 23, 2022

Eureka Recycling facility.

Eureka Recycling, which operates a materials recovery facility (MRF) in Minneapolis, is a member of the Alliance of Mission-Based Recyclers, which criticized plastics-to-fuel processes. | Courtesy of Eureka Recycling

The Alliance of Mission-Based Recyclers called plastics-to-fuel processes “false solutions,” though the group of nonprofit recyclers says it is more open to technologies that are geared toward production of recycled resin.

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APR elects 2022 board of directors

Published: March 23, 2022

Roxanne Spiekerman of PreZero US

Roxanne Spiekerman of PreZero US was elected APR board chair for the upcoming year. | Plastics Recycling Conference/Brian Adams Photo

The Association of Plastic Recyclers has chosen its executive committee and board of directors for the coming year.

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The Recycling Partnership rolls out grant program for PET

Published: March 16, 2022

PET bottles for recycling.

The PET Recycling Coalition will launch in the next few months and will provide grants to MRFs and other facilities to increase the capture of PET beyond bottles. | Kwangmoozaa/Shutterstock

The Recycling Partnership will launch a PET Recycling Coalition to find solutions for common recycling challenges, a representative of the nonprofit group announced at last week’s Plastics Recycling Conference.

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UN plastics treaty vote sparks support

Published: March 7, 2022

United Nations flag flying against blue sky and clouds.

The United Nations Environment Assembly on March 2 voted to start a process that would create a global plastics pollution treaty, bringing a final treaty forward for a vote in 2024. | Doug McLean/Shutterstock

A recent U.N. agreement to create a treaty on plastic pollution has brought recycling, waste and producer responsibility issues into the mainstream discussion.

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