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Tag Archives: EPR/stewardship

Colorado chooses brand group to lead EPR

Published: May 2, 2023


The Circular Action Alliance will serve to coordinate producer responsibility efforts around the recovery of plastics and other forms of packaging, as well as paper, in Colorado. | Konektus Photo/Shutterstock

In a big step toward implementing one of the nation’s first extended producer responsibility programs for packaging, Colorado selected Circular Action Alliance as its producer responsibility organization. Continue Reading

Calif. carpet recycling rate rises, Shaw signs deal

Published: April 4, 2023

Old carpet cut and rolled for disposal.

Increasingly, companies and industry groups are focusing their efforts on recycling carpet. | Optimarc/Shutterstock

The California carpet recycling rate rose by about 5 percentage points last year, reaching a record high of 33%. Meanwhile, carpet manufacturer Shaw reached a deal to recycle about 2 million pounds of production scrap a year.  Continue Reading

New York lawmakers consider three packaging EPR bills

Published: March 14, 2023


New York lawmakers have introduced three bills that would make producers financially responsible for funding the management of packaging products at their end of life. | Josep Curto/Shutterstock

New York lawmakers are trying to make their state the fifth in the nation to pass an extended producer responsibility law for packaging, and some stakeholders feel like this is the year. Continue Reading

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California seeks members for key EPR board

Published: February 21, 2023

California flag

CalRecycle is looking for 16 people to facilitate implementation of its landmark EPR law. | ksanawo/Shutterstock

California officials are accepting applications from industry professionals who want to advise the state as it implements an extended producer responsibility program for curbside recyclables. 

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In My Opinion: EPR can shift recycling into high gear

Published: February 7, 2023


Dylan de Thomas with The Recycling Partnership believes that EPR policies could help the U.S. achieve higher recycling rates. | vvoe/Shutterstock

The last several years have been a real roller coaster ride in the news for recycling, with the industry being called all manner of pejoratives, up to and including “dead.”

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Connecticut governor pushes EPR, content mandate

Published: January 31, 2023


The governor plans to make his recommendations to the Connecticut Legislature during the current legislative session. | Real Window Creative/Shutterstock

Gov. Ned Lamont is looking at extended producer responsibility for packaging, better organics diversion and minimum PCR requirements to help address Connecticut’s waste management woes. Continue Reading

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Maine tapping stakeholders to draft EPR rules

Published: January 6, 2023

The Maine capitol building in Augusta.

Maine’s EPR draft rules will go to the Board of Environmental Protection to begin the formal rulemaking process in December 2023. | Yurii Prohonnyi/Shutterstock

Maine’s governor signed an extended producer responsibility law for packaging in 2021, and the state is now seeking stakeholder feedback to guide the rulemaking process. 

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Senate hearing digs into plastic pollution

Published: December 16, 2022

Senate hearing room.

The Dec. 15 hearing by the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works brought four panelists together to answer questions from legislators. | Katherine Welles/Shutterstock

During a two-hour hearing, U.S. senators questioned industry experts about chemicals in plastics, marine plastic pollution and extended producer responsibility. 

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What’s the right role for chemical recycling?

Published: November 29, 2022

Mixed plastics baled for recycling.

As of 2021 there were more than 40 companies working to develop or manage chemical recycling projects in the United States. | paul prescott/Shutterstock

Mechanical recycling should take priority over chemical recycling, but there will need to be several technical solutions to the world’s plastic problem, argued panelists on a recent Product Stewardship Institute webinar. 

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