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Tag Archives: container deposits

Big drop in California redemption rate? State and group don’t agree

Published: November 4, 2020

Squashed PET bottle on a white background.

CalRecycle plans to release final redemption data for the first six months of 2020 in the coming weeks. | photobeps/Shutterstock

This story has been updated with new redemption figures from California’s recycling agency.

Advocacy organization Consumer Watchdog recently noted the COVID-19 pandemic has slashed California’s beverage container recycling rate. But the state’s recycling agency called that analysis “inaccurate.”

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Beverage distributor boosts RPET use in Europe

Published: September 10, 2020

Sign in front of Coca-Cola European Partners building.

Coca-Cola European Partners announced that all bottles produced in Norway, which are made from about 25% recycled plastic currently, will hit 100% during the first half of next year. | Jevanto Productions/Shutterstock

The primary Coca-Cola bottler in Europe will use 100% recycled PET containers in the Netherlands and Norway, committing to consume millions of pounds of additional recycled resin per year.

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Oregon deposit return rate increased in 2019

Published: August 12, 2020

Empty plastic bottles for recycling.

By material type, the percentage of plastic containers redeemed through the Oregon deposit program increased more than other materials in 2019. | Picsfive/Shutterstock

Consumers in Oregon last year returned 86% of all beverage containers covered under the state’s container deposit program, according to newly released figures.

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Bottle deposit programs continue to reopen

Published: June 10, 2020

Empty bottles to be recycled.

In Connecticut, retail redemption volumes were down 95% during the suspension period. | Thiago Figueredo/Shutterstock

Container deposit programs are starting back up following their COVID-19 downtime. Equipment supplier Tomra offered a look at how the process is playing out in Connecticut.

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Sector’s current focus: policy, demand and COVID-19

Published: June 3, 2020

Baled PET bottles for recycling.

Day one of the virtual APR meeting featured discussions on market trends and more. | Vitaliy Kyrychuk/Shutterstock

Although they can’t meet in person, plastics recycling stakeholders this week are still coming together for the Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) members meeting, being held online for the first time.

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One state moves to restart container deposit program

Published: May 20, 2020

Empty plastic beverage bottles for recycling.

Connecticut will begin a phased-in deposit program resumption on May 20. | monticello/Shutterstock

Connecticut retailers will begin accepting deposit containers on a limited basis this week and will ramp up to full service early next month. COVID-19 disruptions to deposit programs continue in other states.

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COVID-19 damages supply chain for deposit plastic

Published: April 15, 2020


Eight out of the 10 states with container redemption systems have enacted temporary measures limiting deposit returns in some way. | Karolis Kavolelis/Shutterstock

Stay-at-home orders are hitting container deposit systems hard, leading to significant declines in the volumes of high-quality PET and other recyclables moving to material processors.

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