A major retailer agrees to look for alternatives to EPS foam packaging, and Greenpeace once again hammers Coca-Cola over end-of-life plastics.
A major retailer agrees to look for alternatives to EPS foam packaging, and Greenpeace once again hammers Coca-Cola over end-of-life plastics.
Canada collected more plastic for recycling in 2014 than it did the year before, with big boosts in curbside-collected film driving the increase.
A wet shredder and hydrocyclone separation system from Herbold Meckesheim is helping a Netherlands reclaimer process film for recycling.
While retail locations provide the best collection points for post-consumer film plastics, governments and haulers play a crucial role in ensuring a successful program, according to speakers on a recent webinar.
A bottle deposit system is being pushed in England, and plastic film recycling expands in New Zealand.