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Tag Archives: brand owners

Chemical recycling developments move forward

Published: February 21, 2023

LyondellBasell facility exterior.

Nexus Circular will supply pyrolysis oil to LyondellBasell for production of new plastics. That’s one of several recent chemical recycling technology deals. | Flagmania/Shutterstock

Several chemical recycling facilities, offtake agreements and technology licenses have been announced in recent weeks, with industry giants like Shell and LyondellBasell involved.  Continue Reading

Packaging CEO: PCR boost to come from cooperation

Published: January 31, 2023

A vial of plastic resins emptied onto a black surface.

Kevin Kelly, CEO of California-based Emerald Packaging, said his company already internally recycles clear scrap plastics, but needs support to reach its diversion and PCR goals. | Praethip Docekalova/Shutterstock

Post-consumer resin is the way forward, the head of flexible film producer Emerald Packaging said. But it’s going to take commitment, collaboration and follow-through from many different actors to reach full PCR potential.
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7-Eleven faces amended version of recyclability suit

Published: January 18, 2023

Court gavel resting on a book on a desk.

The revised lawsuit comes after an Illinois judge in September 2022 threw out many of plaintiff Devon Curtis’ claims. | Tiko Aramyan/Shutterstock

A Chicago resident has filed an amended lawsuit against 7-Eleven, arguing that some of the company’s “recyclable” labeling is deceptive because the products lack resin identification codes. Continue Reading

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Brand aims for fully recyclable Kahlua and Malibu bottles

Published: January 18, 2023


Absolut’s original goal was to include 25% recycled plastic in its packaging by 2025; Malibu is currently at 30%. | By Jfanchin/Shutterstock

The Absolut Company is looking at a variety of ways to make its packaging more sustainable, including increasing recycled content and switching to clear PET. Continue Reading

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Amazon and Oceana spar over retailer’s plastic footprint

Published: January 3, 2023

Amazon Prime plastic bubble shipping mailer.

Environmental group Oceana estimates Amazon produced 709 million pounds of plastic packaging in 2021. | oasisamuel/Shutterstock

Amazon recently disclosed data on its plastic packaging footprint and sustainability efforts. But where the online giant sees progress, an environmental group sees cherry-picked numbers.

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Brands advance sustainability – but use more plastic overall

Published: January 3, 2023

McDonald's drink cups and straws discarded on concrete.

WWF found that 34% of members’ plastic footprint was recycled, 9% incinerated, 43% landfilled and 15% mismanaged. | Kraft74/Shutterstock

In 2021, major brands increased their use of PCR and cut back on “problematic plastics,” but the amount of plastic they put on the market grew by over 5%, according to the World Wildlife Fund.

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Amcor triples goal for use of recycled resin

Published: November 29, 2022

Amcor company logo on building exterior.

Amcor’s 2022 sustainability report also noted that 74% of Amcor’s total production by weight is now designed to be recycled and it has made a 33% reduction in material sent to disposal over the past three years. | 360b/Shutterstock

After several years of gains in recycled content usage, Amcor is setting a new recycled content goal of 30% by 2030, tripling its previous target.

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