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Plastics and textile recovery experts convene


About 2,150 industry professionals participated in kicking off the 2025 Plastics Recycling Conference just outside of Washington, D.C., talking business in the exhibit hall and listening to sessions on textile recovery, procurement and policy.

HDPE bale spread widens further despite firming prices


March prices for HDPE natural bales rose by 10% on the month to a more than three-year high, further widening the price spread with color bales amid bearish end-use sectors and new waste import bans in Southeast Asia.

Baled plastics

Nova latest to nix chemical recycling plans


The past few years have seen no shortage of ambitious announcements relating to chemical recycling, from small startups to major oil and chemical companies, as recycled content requirements increase and polymer producers struggle to harness future market direction.

PCR hands in resin-courtesy of NOVA-web

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Five trends for plastic recycling in 2025

by Steve Alexander

State policy moves, competition from virgin resin and other trends are likely to define the year ahead.

The Design Guide turns 30

by Dan Holtmeyer

APR’s guide to designing for recyclability marks three decades of improvement and change.


Breaking down chemical recycling

by Marissa Heffernan

Purification and depolymerization and conversion, oh, my! We look into these technologies and their role in plastics recovery.

The new age of textile recycling

by Colin Staub

As plastic dominates textile production, recycling sectors are merging and new methods are taking hold.

Textile recycling: Where do we stand?

by Marisa Adler

In the past decade, we’ve seen a wave of textile recyclers emerge, seeking to fill a gap in textile recycling to meet soaring demand for recycled fibers.

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A new approach to sorting PET and more at MRFs

by Jared Paben

An autonomous system developed by Bulk Handling Systems is really more of a sorting loop than a sorting line.

BHS container sorting loop rendering.

PP grant brings robot to a facility’s sorting line

by Jared Paben

With a little help from The Recycling Partnership’s Polypropylene Recycling Coalition, a Fresno-based MRF has entered the world of robotics.

AMP Robotics installation team.

How a de-dusting system cleaned up RPET sheets

by Jared Paben

Specialized equipment is reducing the presence of gels in rPlanet Earth’s RPET sheets, allowing the Southern California-based reclaimer to sell them for higher prices.

Pelletron De-Duster installed on site.

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