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California is back at the center of plastics recycling debate

Published: September 15, 2021

Calif. capitol building in Sacramento.

A bill approved by California legislators has substantial implications for how common plastic packaging items are labeled, and it could have significant recycling implications across the nation in the coming years. | Feoktistoff / Shutterstock

Producers would need to meet strict criteria to use the “chasing arrows” symbol on their plastic packaging in California under a bill approved by lawmakers last week. An industry group says the move will harm polypropylene recycling.

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Chemical recycling operations plan expansions

Published: September 15, 2021

LyondellBasell facility with sunset in background.

Global plastic producer LyondellBasell has announced it will produce chemically recycled resin in the U.S. | Flagmania / Shutterstock

Three companies that use chemical recycling technologies, including LyondellBasell and BP, recently took steps to enlarge their footprints or product lines.

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Greenpeace: Recycling used as plastic industry ‘smokescreen’

Published: September 15, 2021

Greenpeace website logo on screen under magnifying glass.

Greenpeace framed a new report as an examination of how packaging stakeholders and others have failed to reduce their reliance on single-use plastic. | SergioVas / Shutterstock

A report this week from environmental group Greenpeace takes brand owners and industry groups to task for promoting recycling as the primary solution to plastic waste issues.

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Demand for recycled content drives processor acquisition

Published: September 15, 2021

Signing documents at a business meeting.

Westlake Chemical Corporation on Sept. 10 announced its acquisition of Dimex, a Marietta, Ohio-headquartered reclaimer. | fizkes / Shutterstock

A manufacturer cited consumer interest in recycled products as a factor in the company’s recent acquisition of Dimex, a post-industrial PVC recycling firm.

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How ‘supercritical’ CO2 can lead to cleaner recycled resin

Published: September 15, 2021

Extruded opaque sheet of thermoplastic from printed film scrap (left) and translucent sheet produced through a supercritical CO2 extrusion process.

Extruded opaque sheet of thermoplastic from printed film scrap (left) and translucent sheet produced through a supercritical CO2 extrusion process. | Courtesy of AIMPLAS

A form of pressurized carbon dioxide can be used to remove contaminants from post-consumer plastic melt, improving the quality of the final pellets, according to a research organization.

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Amid dispute, details emerge on CarbonLite’s demise

Published: September 9, 2021

A gavel and book on a wooden desk.

In court recently, former CarbonLite CEO Leon Farahnik’s attorneys elaborated on the financial conditions that led to the company’s bankruptcy. | Bragin Alexey / Shutterstock

Companies owed money by CarbonLite say the PET reclaimer’s failure came amid “gross financial mismanagement,” and they want an in-depth investigation. CarbonLite’s lawyers pinned the closure on a lack of brand owner support and other factors.

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California bill deems some exports ‘disposal’

Published: September 9, 2021

export containers

Legislation awaiting the governor’s signature would classify mixed plastics that are generated in California and exported from the U.S. as “disposal” rather than “recycling.” | Sumrit Tesrumphun/Shutterstock

California lawmakers have approved a bill that would no longer allow scrap plastic that is exported to be considered recycled. The legislation now heads to the governor for final consideration.

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