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West and East Coast states make moves in carpet EPR

Published: May 11, 2022

Van filled with rolled carpeting for recycling or disposal.

A bill passed in New York establishes goals for carpet recycling and post-consumer content, requires the creation of a collection network and more. | Steven Belanger/Shutterstock

New York is close to becoming the second state to require producers to fund carpet collection and recycling. Meanwhile, California regulators approved carpet fees that vary based on recycled content.

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Plastics labeling needs consistency, clarity

Published: May 11, 2022

Panelists at the Plastics Recycling Conference session "Tensions in Recyclability Labeling"

Speaking during the “Tensions in Recyclability Labeling” session at the Plastics Recycling Conference were (from left to right) Erik Grabowsky of Arlington County, Va., Steve Alexander of the Association of Plastic Recyclers, Heidi Sanborn of the National Stewardship Action Council and Karen Hagerman of the Sustainable Packaging Coalition. | Brian Adams Photography/Resource Recycling, Inc.

Consumers are confused and frustrated by recycling label systems in the U.S., and it will take a group effort to fix the problem, panelists told Plastics Recycling Conference attendees.

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EPR and packaging-reduction bill introduced in New York

Published: May 11, 2022

NY state capitol building.

The introduction of the EPR bill came after lawmakers stripped a prior EPR program out of Gov. Kathy Hochul’s executive budget proposal. | Paul Brady Photography/Shutterstock

An extended producer responsibility bill that has the support of environmental activists was recently introduced in New York, while a Colorado EPR bill moved to the Senate floor.

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Robotics provider begins operating its own facilities

Published: May 11, 2022

Closeup of residual bale from a MRF.

Secondary-sortation sites run by AMP Robotics are targeting a wide variety of materials that come from MRFs and other sources. | Courtesy of AMP Robotics

AMP Robotics is now breaking and sorting materials recovery facility residual bales at secondary-sortation operations in Colorado, Georgia and Ohio.

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Our top stories from April 2022

Published: May 11, 2022

Baled plastics for recycling stored outside.

News that Brightmark will not move forward with a facility in Georgia was of interest to readers last month. | RozenskiP/Shutterstock

Articles about markets, mandates and manufacturers drew our readers’ clicks last month.

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Polyethylene film recycling plant coming to Minnesota

Published: May 4, 2022

Stacks of rolled plastic film for recycling.

A number of prominent names are financing Myplas USA’s first U.S. polyethylene film recycling plant, to be located in Rogers, Minn., outside of Minneapolis. | Joyce Blessthink/Shutterstock

Brand owners and other private and public entities are investing millions of dollars into a plastic reclaimer’s project to build a 170,000-square-foot film recycling facility in the Upper Midwest.

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Federal study finds 86% of US plastic landfilled in 2019

Published: May 4, 2022

Landfill scene with machinery and material.

Federal researchers found study also found that only about 5% of discarded plastic in the U.S. was recycled in 2019, while 86% was left in landfills and 9% was burned to generate electricity. | Huguette Roe/Shutterstock

A study from the U.S. Department of Energy estimated the amount of plastic discarded in the U.S. in 2019 was 44 million metric tons, higher than other estimates.

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Recycling startups report resolution to legal issues

Published: May 4, 2022

SEC logo on building in Washington, D.C.

An SEC fact-finding investigation into PP recycling startup PureCycle recently concluded without further action. | AevanStock/Shutterstock

PET recycling startup Loop Industries agreed to pay millions of dollars to settle a lawsuit from investors, and regulators have ended their investigation of PP recycling startup PureCycle Technologies without taking further action.

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