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APR meeting covers need for data, policy updates

Published: June 15, 2022

Screenshot of The Recycling Partnership's recycling database

At the recent Association of Plastic Recyclers member meeting, The Recycling Partnership presented on their packaging recyclability database. | Screenshot of video showing database in use.

At the June Association of Plastic Recyclers members meeting, speakers shared insights on policy, data collection and a shifting tone in how the sector portrays itself.

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Our top stories from May 2022

Published: June 15, 2022

Aquafil's Woodland, Calif. facility interior.

News that Aquafil’s Woodland, Calif. facility will be closed captured reader attention last month. | Courtesy of Aquafil

Readers last month were enticed to click on articles both about specific recycling plants and research on the plastics recycling market as a whole.
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Panel approves over two-dozen food-contact RPET applications

Published: June 8, 2022

PET beverage bottles in a retail setting.

Recycling technologies from Erema, NGR, Polymetrix, Starlinger and others were recently approved to produce RPET for 100% recycled-content food and drink packaging. | Ho Su A Bi/Shutterstock

A food-safety panel has approved applications from Indorama Ventures, Veolia, Coca-Cola Hellenic, NOVAPET and other plastic reclaimers to recycle PET in new food and drink packaging.

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EPR bill in Colorado signed while New York bills fail

Published: June 8, 2022

Colorado state capitol building at sunset.

With the governor’s signature last week, Colorado became the third U.S. state with an extended producer responsibility law for some printed paper and packaging. | Joseph Sohm/Shutterstock

Producer responsibility advocates celebrated the signing of Colorado’s extended producer responsibility bill into law, but were left wanting in New York as two bills failed this session.

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OECD says plastic pollution will grow faster than recycling rate

Published: June 8, 2022

Plastic marine debris on a beach.

An OECD report anticipates marine debris will increase significantly in volume over the next several decades. | Santiparp Wattanaporn/Shutterstock

Globally, discarded plastic levels could nearly triple by 2060, with about half of the plastic ending up in landfill and less than a fifth recycled, an OECD report projected.

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How recycled-resin certification is playing out for one processor

Published: June 2, 2022

Birch Plastics compounding line.

Birch Plastics recently completed GreenCircle certification of the company’s PP and HDPE recycled resins. | Courtesy of Birch Plastics

Texas-based Birch Plastics recently worked with a third-party auditor to verify its recycling process, a step more reclaimers and compounders are considering as end users look for certainty in their feedstock.

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