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California releases deposit system update draft rules

Published: March 26, 2024

Different beverage containers, metal, glass and plastic.

SB 1013 brought more container types into the California Redemption Value system but also removed an option for retailers to choose to pay a $100 daily fee instead of accepting returned containers. | Andrii Koval/Shutterstock

Formal rulemaking for changes to California’s deposit system is about to begin, and draft rules shed more light on new requirements for beverage dealers and retailers. Continue Reading

New programs pop up in Iowa redemption deserts

Published: April 24, 2024

Bottle return at a reverse vending machine.

After a 2022 program overhaul allowed most retailers to opt out of deposit system container collection, a report from Cleaner Iowa found that there are 29 counties without a redemption center. | Veja/Shutterstock

Overhauls to Iowa’s bottle bill in 2022 that allowed retailers to opt out of collection are reducing access, as industry players warned when the bill passed. But redemption centers are stepping up to help solve the problem – including by launching a new bag drop program.  Continue Reading

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Recyclers gather in Las Vegas to talk shop

Published: April 24, 2024


ISRI2024 brought together paper, plastics, electronics and metals recycling companies for four days of discussion on key industry topics, leading up to ISRI announcing its new name, ReMA. | Photo courtesy ReMA

Companies from across the materials recovery spectrum gathered at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas last week for the ISRI2024 conference, which culminated in the long-running trade association unveiling a new name. Continue Reading

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Processors say U.S. e-plastics market yet to develop

Published: April 24, 2024


Sustainable Electronics Recycling International’s survey received 55 responses over two and a half weeks representing 214 facilities worldwide. | Jared Paben/Resource Recycling

A recently published survey of e-scrap companies in the U.S. and abroad offered a look at how many operators are handling plastics recovered from devices. It also provided insights on why a domestic e-plastics processing industry has yet to develop. Continue Reading

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Takeaways from a sea-faring plastics recycling project

Published: April 24, 2024


Plastic Odyssey has stopped in 20 countries over the last year and a half, working to connect local plastics recycling stakeholders and share recycling knowledge. | Photo courtesy Plastic Odyssey

It’s been nearly 18 months since a 128-foot vessel embarked on a global voyage to share knowledge and equipment with communities facing plastic pollution management challenges. A leader of the Plastic Odyssey project reported on the progress in an interview. Continue Reading

Fourth global plastic meeting digs into details

Published: April 24, 2024


Delegates made opening remarks at the first day of the fourth United Nations Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee meeting in Canada. | Photo Courtesy of Earth Negotiations Bulletin

The first day of the fourth meeting to draft a global plastic pollution treaty started off with speed as delegates acknowledged the time crunch to get treaty text prepared.  Continue Reading

Tim Hortons testing recyclable fiber coffee lids

Published: April 17, 2024


Select Tim Hortons locations in Ottawa and Gatineau will test the fiber lids for up to six weeks to see if they can replace plastic lids. CNW Group/Tim Hortons

Some Canadian Tim Hortons customers will test fiber hot beverage lids in the coming weeks, an attempt by the coffee giant to replace plastic lids with something that will fit into the recycling stream.   Continue Reading

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