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Author Archives: Colin Staub

About Colin Staub

Colin-StaubColin Staub is a reporter at Resource Recycling. He can be contacted at [email protected].

Google explores how to capture 4.5 billion tons of plastic

Published: August 18, 2021

Stacked bales of mixed plastics.

Google’s report noted headwinds to plastics recovery including unfavorable economics for recycled resins compared with virgin resins. | maciej nicgorski / Shutterstock

A report from Google lays out how mechanical and chemical recycling, a virgin plastic production tax, consumer incentives and more can increase plastics recovery over the next two decades.

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P&G will use chemically recycled Eastman resin

Published: August 11, 2021

P&G company headquarters.

In addition to signing a supply agreement, Procter & Gamble (P&G) and Eastman said they will “collaborate on initiatives addressing the infrastructure needed to increase plastic recycling rates.” | Jonathan Weiss / Shutterstock

Procter & Gamble plans to incorporate post-consumer plastic that’s produced using a chemical recycling process into certain packaging later this year, the company announced.

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Bag giant used 4% post-consumer resin in 2020

Published: August 11, 2021

Retail plastic bags by a checkout station.

Novolex reported that the company’s percentage of post-consumer resin used in 2020 was flat compared with 2019.| RosaLin Zhen Zhen / Shutterstock

Novolex, a major recycler and producer of plastic bags, recently reported that the pandemic created a “challenging PCR environment” last year. But the company sees signs for demand on the horizon.

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Nebraska MRF adds plastic-lumber manufacturing line

Published: August 11, 2021

Materials on a conveyor at a MRF.

With the planned upgrade at an Omaha materials recovery facility (MRF), sorted and processed plastics will be converted into a plastic lumber. | jantsarik / Shutterstock

Firstar Fiber is receiving a loan from the Alliance to End Plastic Waste that will help the processor convert hard-to-recycle plastics into building materials, all within the confines of the sortation site.

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Oregon governor signs packaging EPR bill

Published: August 11, 2021

View of the Oregon captial building with greenspace in front.

Oregon will establish a producer responsibility program for packaging, printing and writing paper, and food serviceware. | Jacquie Klose / Shutterstock

Oregon will overhaul components of its recycling system and will make packaging producers partially responsible for funding recycling of their products. It’s the second U.S. state to approve such a law.

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TerraCycle and brands sued over recycling claims

Published: July 28, 2021

TerraCycle logo

The lawsuit alleges TerraCycle is enabling brand owners to mislead the public on the recyclability of their products. | photo_gonzo / Shutterstock

A nonprofit environmental organization is suing TerraCycle and several major brands, saying the companies are misleading consumers about the recyclability of their products through mail-in collection programs. TerraCycle’s CEO discussed the company’s labeling in an interview.

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Report: Cities should prioritize PET, HDPE, PP collection

Published: July 28, 2021

Curbside waste and recycling for collection.

A study from GAIA found that, in five selected cities, only 24% of PET, HDPE and PP was getting recycled. | Meg Wallace Photography / Shutterstock

A study published today by the Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives outlines familiar problems and constraints with the U.S. plastics recycling system.

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Nation’s first packaging EPR bill is signed into law

Published: July 14, 2021

Maine state house in Augusta.

Maine’s new law requires packaging producers to fund the recycling of their products. | Sean Pavone / Shutterstock

The governor of Maine has signed legislation establishing extended producer responsibility for packaging materials in the state. It’s the first bill of its kind to become law in the U.S.

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ACC calls for 30% recycled content mandate in packaging

Published: July 14, 2021

Baled plastics for recycling.

The American Chemistry Council’s position statement comes at a time of heightened legislative activity on plastics. | Natallia Boroda / Shutterstock

A major industry group is urging Congress to adopt a national recycled plastic standard, facilitate “rapid scaling” of the chemical recycling sector, and more.

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Turkey reverses ban on scrap plastic imports

Published: July 14, 2021


Early this month, Turkey’s ban on scrap PE imports went into effect. But just days later, the government repealed the regulation. | gd_project / Shutterstock

Shortly after barring recovered PE from import into the country, Turkey’s government has repealed the ban and implemented an enhanced licensing system instead.

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