Readers last month showed interest in news about approval of technologies for recycling plastic for use in food and drink packaging. | monticello/Shutterstock
Last month, readers were drawn to articles about a PET reclaimer acquisition, an emerging market for HDPE, government actions in the U.S. and EU, and the U.S. PET bottle recycling rate.
The list below shows our top stories published in December in terms of unique page views.
1 | Virgin plastic giant acquires US PET reclaimer
Indorama Ventures, the world’s biggest prime PET producer, has acquired another U.S. plastics recycling company, this time on the West Coast.
2 | How a new domestic end market for HDPE emerged
A group’s green light to use recycled HDPE in road drainage pipes opens a potentially massive market for recovered plastic. Officials recently explained the work that drove the decision.
3 | Federal lawmakers launch plastics recycling task force
Four members of Congress in December unveiled a workgroup to boost plastics recycling through technology investments and more. It’s the latest of several recent moves at the national level to address plastics recovery.
4 | EU authority gives nod to PET recycling technologies
A panel determined that recycling technologies from Bandera, Erema, Poly Recycling and Starlinger produce RPET that’s safe for use in food and drink packaging.
5 | NAPCOR: PET bottle recycling rate remains near 29%
More PET bottles were collected for recycling last year, but the overall recycling rate remains stagnant, according to an industry report.