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Tag Archives: mobile devices

How Samsung patent dispute could affect device repair

Published: March 22, 2023

Samsung Galaxy S9 phones stacked on a surface.

A patent dispute over screens may have wider implications for both consumers and the electronics repair industry. | Leszek Kobusinski/Shutterstock

A complaint to the U.S. International Trade Commission by one of the world’s biggest smartphone companies seeks to halt imports of some aftermarket screens into the U.S., threatening the supply of parts to independent repair shops.  Continue Reading

Phone shipments and demand expected to decline

Published: March 15, 2023

mobile phones

The latest Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker report predicted that shipments of smartphones in 2023 will see a slight decline instead of growing, as was previously forecast.| Maxx Studio/Shutterstock

After initially forecasting an increase in global smartphone shipments, the International Data Corporation now says it expects shipments to decline about 1.1% in 2023.  Continue Reading

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In My Opinion: Bring consumer trust to refurb markets

Published: January 25, 2023


Certification and standardized grading can bring much-needed transparency to the refurbished device market, according to the CEO of Phonecheck. | Daniel-Krason/Shutterstock

I used to run a business that acquired and sold pre-owned mobile devices. It was a great model – we could buy less-than-perfect phones and other devices inexpensively, and with a little effort and elbow grease, sell them for a bit more. 

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AI robot grades, erases up to 55 phones an hour

Published: December 7, 2022

Phonecheck's phone rating and erasing machine.

Phonecheck’s robotic system automates parts of the grading process, speeding it up significantly and eliminating subjectivity. | Courtesy of Phonecheck

A company that provides used phone history reports has formally launched a robot that automatically grades a device’s cosmetic condition, performs diagnostics and erases data.

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Study shows increase in electronics’ GHG emissions

Published: November 2, 2022

mobile phones

Researchers evaluated 1,003 life cycle reports from various manufacturers to determine the amount of carbon dioxide emissions created during the life span of products. | Maxx-Studio/Shutterstock

To help cut growing greenhouse gas emissions from electronics, researchers are suggesting extending the life spans of devices. 

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