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Tag Archives: industry groups

Blueprint for circularity highlights recycling

Published: October 19, 2022

Laptops stacked for resale or recycling.

Drawing on more than 80 experts from 40 companies, the Circular Electronics Partnership (CEP) roadmap is structured around six pathways for circularity in the electronics value chain. | R.Moore/Shutterstock

This story has been corrected. 

The Circular Electronics Partnership’s plan for a circular electronics chain takes a close look at barriers and solutions at every stage, laying out what needs to be done by manufacturers, governments and other organizations. 

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Stakeholders discuss the state of the e-scrap sector

Published: September 29, 2022

Panel of speakers at the 2022 E-Scrap Conference

A panel moderated by Adam Shine (far left) featured market insights from Joe Pickard (second from left), Walter Alcorn (second from right) and Craig Boswell (far right). | Big Wave Productions/Resource Recycling, Inc.

Battery-embedded products, market uncertainty and evolving ITAD services are shaping the future of electronics recycling, industry experts noted last week. 

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Sector’s biggest event puts sustainability center stage

Published: September 19, 2022


A session at the E-Scrap Conference featured evTerra’s Jeff Gloyd, left, and Chris Kaasmann of GreenChip. | Big Wave Productions/Resource Recycling, Inc.

More than 1,000 e-scrap and ITAD leaders are gathering this week in New Orleans, with much of the discussion focusing on business opportunities tied to wider circular economy trends.

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Call2Recycle: Federal action on battery labeling is step forward

Published: July 28, 2022

Battery with recycling instructions.

New battery recycling guidelines are in development by the U.S. EPA. | Courtesy of Call2Recycle

Congress directed the U.S. EPA to develop voluntary battery recycling labeling guidelines instead of mandatory regulations, but the head of an industry group believes they’ll still have a significant impact on the industry.

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BAN director gives his take on recent Basel amendment

Published: June 30, 2022

Cargo containers stacked at a shipping terminal.

New e-scrap export oversight regulations will mean changes for e-scrap processors who ship overseas. | mayday6510/Shutterstock

The director of the Basel Action Network shared his thoughts in a recent webinar on an amendment to the Basel Convention and outlined what he sees as the next steps, including digitizing the prior informed consent procedure.

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Project aims to chart EU-based raw material supply chain

Published: June 23, 2022

Circuit board close up.

A research project funded by the EU will seek establish a knowledge base for recycling and other secondary sources of precious metals. | nikkytok/Shutterstock

European Union officials are embarking on research to collect more palladium, lithium and other materials from the waste stream.

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Experts map out landmines in electronic data destruction

Published: June 16, 2022

Hard drive shredding

At a recent industry conference, experts emphasized that removing and shredding hard drives may not destroy all data on devices. | Huguette Roe/Shutterstock

A client may ask a processor to destroy their hard drives, but doing so may not accomplish their ultimate goal: protecting the company by destroying all data. That’s because data may lurk in unsuspecting places.

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Session focuses on recycling batteries big and small

Published: May 25, 2022

Wireless headphones and charging case.

A presenter at NERC’s Spring 2022 Conference noted wireless headphones among the many battery-containing devices that are challenging for recycling processors. | aperturesound/Shutterstock

The looming wave of lithium-ion batteries that will need to be recycled generated an engaged discussion at the Northeast Recycling Council’s Spring 2022 Conference.

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Diversity, equity and inclusion vital to future operations

Published: May 12, 2022

Interviewing candidates waiting room.

A presenter at NERC’s Spring Conference encouraged recruitment managers to implement specific practices to reduce bias in hiring decisions.  | fizkes/Shutterstock

Diversity, equity and inclusion are no longer add-ons, but a necessary part of any serious company, panelists at the Northeast Recycling Council’s Spring 2022 Conference said.

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SERI: One-fifth of R2v3 facilities do both reuse and recycling

Published: May 5, 2022

Laptops gathered for repair or recycling.

SERI data shows 33% of R2v3-certified companies have certified for e-scrap recycling services. | ThamKC/Shutterstock

Recently published R2v3 certification data illustrates just how diverse the industry has become, with relatively few reuse and recycling Swiss Army knives out there.

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