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Tag Archives: courts/lawsuits

Millions of dollars move as Ohio CRT case winds down

Published: January 19, 2023

1675 Watkins Road, which was cleaned up as of August 2022

As CRT cleanup litigation reaches a conclusion in Ohio, a similar legal battle is ramping up in Arizona. | Courtesy of EnSafe

An $11.2 million cleanup, $9.6 million property sale and $1 million “orphan share” – those were just a few key figures to emerge as the years-long legal battle over Closed Loop’s massive stockpile concludes.

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Judge orders five years probation in CRT case

Published: January 4, 2023

Court gavel resting on a book.

The former owner of Eastern Electronics Recycling pleaded guilty to charges of knowingly storing hazardous materials without permits. | Tiko Aramyan/Shutterstock

The owner of a shuttered e-scrap company will avoid prison time but will still have to fund the cleanup of CRT materials in North Carolina.
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Suit targets Closed Loop CRT suppliers in Arizona

Published: November 30, 2022

Aerial view of Closed Loop Phoenix site.

Closed Loop began leasing the Phoenix facilities in 2010, and when it failed in early 2016, it left a combined 106 million pounds of CRT materials on both properties (59th Ave. property pictured). | Courtesy of Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions/ADEQ

Owners of Phoenix warehouses filed a federal lawsuit against e-scrap companies that shipped CRT materials to Closed Loop Refining and Recovery, and already two defendants have agreed to pay out roughly $1 million each. 

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Proposed Exurban e-scrap smelter faces lawsuit

Published: November 30, 2022

Google Streetview showing farm at right and planned smelter site at left.

An October 2022 Google image showing the Bulmahns’ farm at right and the site of the planned Exurban smelter at left behind the trees. | Google Streetview

Owners of a farm across the road from a planned e-scrap smelter in Indiana filed a lawsuit seeking to halt the project, arguing that a facility of its type isn’t allowed by the local zoning code. 

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Landlords in Closed Loop case to drop suit against MRM and OEMs

Published: November 2, 2022

Closeup of a court gavel.

Under a settlement submitted Oct. 31, e-scrap processor Kuusakoski would pay an additional $1 million to the plaintiffs, on top of $6 million it has already agreed to pay in the Closed Loop case. | BCFC/Shutterstock

Under a legal settlement submitted this week, warehouse owners will drop their CRT lawsuit against Samsung, LG and MRM. E-scrap processor Kuusakoski, however, will pay another $1 million.

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Dell, IMS and GEEP USA reach settlements in Closed Loop Ohio case

Published: October 26, 2022

Lawyer with gavel, working on documents at a desk.

Dell, IMS Electronics Recycling and GEEP USA all reached settlements in the Closed Loop Refining and Recovery case, agreeing to help fund the cleanup of abandoned CRT materials in Ohio. | PaeGAG/Shutterstock

This story has been updated.

Another OEM and two electronics recycling companies have agreed to help fund cleanup of CRT materials abandoned by Closed Loop Refining and Recovery in Columbus, Ohio. 

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T-Mobile sues Belmont Trading for over $6 million

Published: October 19, 2022

T-Mobile sign on company store.

T-Mobile USA alleges Belmont Trading owes it millions of dollars in revenue from the sales of T-Mobile’s reusable and end-of-life devices. | DCStockPhotography/Shutterstock

One of the largest wireless carriers in the country filed suit against its phone resale and recycling vendor, claiming it has been shortchanged $6.6 million.

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Morgan Stanley pays millions more in wake of ITAD mishaps

Published: October 12, 2022

Morgan Stanley company sign on building in Texas.

The financial costs from Morgan Stanley’s ITAD project mismanagement have grown to over $163 million. | JHVEPhoto/Shutterstock

This story has been updated.

Morgan Stanley’s years of IT asset disposition errors have cost the banking giant over $163 million, according to an updated E-Scrap News tally. New details on the data loss incidents have also recently come to light.

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