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Tag Archives: Collection

Online venture connects consumers to mail-in recycling

Published: November 1, 2023


A new website will provide information and recycling kits for a variety of items. |

Sustainability consulting firm Close the Loop recently unveiled, a subsidiary meant to help individuals and small businesses manage electronics and materials that are not typically collected curbside. Continue Reading

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Partnership tests out consumer mail-in recycling

Published: September 27, 2023

Stacked laptops for resale.

The pilot project will test if a consumer mail-in program can help increase reuse and recycling rates. | Plus69/Shutterstock

Pyxera Global, FedEx and TERRA are collaborating to find out whether mail-in collections for consumers can work at scale to generate a meaningful quantity of used devices.  Continue Reading

Oregon E-Cycles update signed into law

Published: June 28, 2023


The bill in Oregon will greatly expand the list of covered items, bringing VCRs and other products into the fold. | Charles Knowles/Shutterstock

This story has been updated.

Oregon lawmakers passed – and the governor signed – legislation that will add devices to the state’s electronics recycling program and also alter the framework through which manufacturers fulfill their collection obligations. Continue Reading

A heavy lift: Partners clear rural e-scrap logistics hurdle

Published: June 14, 2023


A plane takes off from Nome, Alaska with an e-scrap shipment on board as ballast. | Courtesy of Alaska Air Cargo

With a tiny population, no road access and over 500 air miles to the nearest medium-sized city, Nome, Alaska faces a multitude of e-scrap collection barriers. But a tribal nonprofit and an airline have overcome the conundrum with a weighty solution.
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Pennsylvania eyes e-scrap program overhaul

Published: June 1, 2023

Laptops for recycling or reuse

The latest e-scrap legislation in the Keystone State aims to address an accumulation of electronics that are expensive or difficult for residents to recycle. | ThamKC/Shutterstock

Two Pennsylvania senators are trying to restructure the current e-scrap recycling program to make it more efficient and convenient.  Continue Reading

California again considers higher e-scrap payments

Published: May 10, 2023

Old laptops stacked together for recycling.

CalRecycle is looking to increase compensation to e-scrap recyclers in light of growing overhead expenditures such as fuel and labor. | Dasytnik/Shutterstock

California e-scrap recyclers could see a boost to their state payments under a proposed rate increase motivated by high inflation and other factors. Continue Reading

Minnesota study estimates value of e-scrap

Published: March 29, 2023

Electronics collected for recycling.

Study authors found that white goods such as refrigerators and washing machines made up half of Minnesota’s e-scrap by weight. | Akiyoko/Shutterstock

Researchers in Minnesota recently estimated what a statewide 100% e-scrap recycling rate would look like in terms of metals recovery, finding that it would generate 78.6 million pounds of metals worth $2.8 billion. Continue Reading

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