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Tag Archives: batteries

Equipment Spotlight: Fire-rated storage buildings protect against battery fires

Published: June 28, 2023


Containment in a fire-rated building can help minimize the risk of a battery-caused fire spreading, according to DENIOS. | Courtesy of DENIOS

With lithium-ion batteries becoming ubiquitous and increasing the risk of fires at recycling facilities, DENIOS is offering Rack Fire Protect buildings to protect staff and assets. Continue Reading

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In My Opinion: Use IR detection to help prevent fires

Published: May 10, 2023


David C. Bursell of MoviTHERM believes infrared technology is a game changer for protecting the lives of workers and avoiding property damage at recycling facilities. | Piotr Zajda/Shutterstock

Waste and recycling facilities are crucial in handling the world’s growing waste streams, but they pose a significant risk of fires. Continue Reading

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Lithium-ion batteries cause fire at N.C. e-scrap facility

Published: April 26, 2023


Lithium primary batteries have a reputation for starting fires. | Courtesy of Sims Lifecycle Services

Lithium button cell batteries sparked a small fire at BlueSky Solutions, but an official at the North Carolina e-scrap recycler said workflow changes have been made to prevent future incidents.  Continue Reading

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Washington state lawmakers pass battery EPR bill

Published: April 20, 2023


The bills cover a wide range of items, from single-use plastics at lodging establishments to blades for wind turbines. | Ververidis Vasilis/Shutterstock

Washington state legislators sent to the governor’s desk a bill that sets up an extended producer responsibility program for batteries.  Continue Reading

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Battery recycler receives another federal grant

Published: April 12, 2023

Processing equipment inside the Princeton NuEnergy facility.

Princeton NuEnergy’s pilot line can process 500 tons of material per year, sourcing batteries from Apple, Dell, Samsung and Call2Recycle. | Courtesy of Princeton NuEnergy

Princeton NuEnergy secured a $12 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy to accelerate the commercialization of its technology.  Continue Reading

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URT processing batteries collected curbside in Oregon

Published: February 22, 2023

iPhone battery recycling

URT has so far processed about 7.5 tons of batteries one Oregon hauler collected at the curb. | Parilov/Shutterstock

Over the past several years, a handful of Oregon counties decided to switch to curbside battery collection to avoid fires. Universal Recycling Technologies has been processing some of the collected tonnage. 

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