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California officials hint at big e-scrap program changes

Published: March 29, 2023

E-scrap in a waste basket.

Some aspects of the state’s e-waste law require clarification, but California officials expect a significant expansion of covered items.| Africa Studio/Shutterstock

In the future, e-scrap processors in California could receive state money to recycle electric toothbrushes, electronic greeting cards, toys and a host of other items with embedded batteries, state regulators recently suggested.  Continue Reading

‘Green smelter’ company plans US expansion

Published: March 22, 2023


Camston Wrather’s aggregation sites currently handle about 25 million pounds of material each year, a number the company aims to triple by 2024. | Courtesy of Camston Wrather

Camston Wrather, a company with a unique process for extracting metals from printed circuit boards, announced it is planning to grow and expand aggressively across the U.S., after years of keeping a relatively low profile.
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Processor loses certification over exports to Asia

Published: March 22, 2023

Old printers for recycling.

The president of eGreen IT Solutions, Karin Harris, argues that her company should have been alerted after BAN determined it sent a printer to an unapproved immediate downstream processor. | KG Design/Shutterstock

Arizona-based eGreen IT Solutions was stripped of its e-Stewards certification after GPS trackers showed overseas printer shipments. The company says it did not “knowingly” break rules.  Continue Reading

Echo companies boost reuse and recycling profits

Published: March 22, 2023


ECHG posted soaring profits for 2022, attributing the rise to growing margins and a significant acquisition.| Andrii Yalanskyi/Shutterstock

A family of southwestern U.S. ITAD and e-scrap businesses dramatically increased profit margins last year, both in reuse and recycling.

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Boliden boosts e-scrap smelting to pre-COVID levels

Published: March 22, 2023


As the company’s inputs and outputs both return to normal, Boliden is also making efforts to reduce emissions and waste.| Courtesy of Boliden

One of the biggest e-scrap smelters in the world boosted its consumption of scrap electronics by 14% last year, achieving the highest number in four years.  Continue Reading

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How Samsung patent dispute could affect device repair

Published: March 22, 2023

Samsung Galaxy S9 phones stacked on a surface.

A patent dispute over screens may have wider implications for both consumers and the electronics repair industry. | Leszek Kobusinski/Shutterstock

A complaint to the U.S. International Trade Commission by one of the world’s biggest smartphone companies seeks to halt imports of some aftermarket screens into the U.S., threatening the supply of parts to independent repair shops.  Continue Reading