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Canadian facility scales up rare earth magnet recycling

Published: January 4, 2024


Cyclic Materials is looking to expand the capabilities of its two technologies to recycle magnets. | Courtesy Cyclic Materials

Ontario-headquartered Cyclic Materials is actively sourcing hard disks from ITAD firms for its magnet extraction and rare earth processing operations. The company is planning to expand with multiple facilities in the U.S. and Canada in the coming years. Continue Reading

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In Our Opinion: Getting started with ESG

Published: December 13, 2023



Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) is a set of terms that has gained significant prominence in recent years. The core principles of ESG have long been applied by companies and investors using terms such as “sustainability” or “corporate social responsibility.” Regardless of its moniker, the heart of the topic is to embed sustainability into the real economy, whether through the mitigation of risks uncovered through an ESG assessment, or through taking advantage of the many opportunities that ESG offers businesses in the circular economy. For those in the recycling industry, the benefits are even more prominent, though largely untapped. Continue Reading

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Equipment Spotlight: Real-time black mass analysis

Published: December 13, 2023


Sensmet’s Micro-Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy on-line analyser can provide real-time feedback on the concentration of metals in black mass. | Courtesy of Sensmet

Seeking to improve how batteries are recycled, Sensmet developed a technology that can provide real-time quantification of metals.  Continue Reading

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Smelter investment, gold prices and other metals news

Published: December 13, 2023


E-scrap awaiting recycling at Boliden’s Rönnskär smelter in northern Sweden. | Boliden Public Media Library

Aurubis will invest $359 million at a smelter, gold maintains its recent high prices and researchers say recycled copper from e-scrap doesn’t necessarily generate fewer greenhouse gasses than virgin mined metal.  Continue Reading

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Our top stories from November 2023

Published: December 6, 2023


A story about e-Stewards’ approach to e-plastics exports drew readers’ clicks last month. | Courtesy of Basel Action Network (BAN)

A couple of high-profile acquisitions – Iron Mountain’s purchase of Regency Technologies and Closed Loop Partners’ acquisition of Sage Sustainable Electronics – landed on our list of the most-read stories in November.
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