Multiple factors have led to lower demand for trucking, bringing shipping cost relief to many in the recycling industry.
Multiple factors have led to lower demand for trucking, bringing shipping cost relief to many in the recycling industry.
The shutdown of a major ITAD business has generated unprecedented response from fellow asset disposition companies, which are looking to pick up customers left without a service provider.
The U.S. Department of Commerce has decided not to pursue regulations restricting some e-scrap exports, according to the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI).
This article has been corrected.
A dozen e-scrap companies will cut checks totalling $517,000 to settle allegations they’re partially responsible for abandoned CRT materials in Ohio. Meanwhile, 15 other processors appear set to duke it out with landowners in court.
An e-scrap firm using microbes to recover metals from electronic scrap has launched a processing facility to demonstrate its technology.
Global ITAD services provider Arrow Electronics will close the asset disposition side of its business by the end of the year, after the company experienced two quarters of worsening financial returns.
A global OEM says it has achieved its 2020 electronics recycling and recycled feedstock goals. The company also adopted e-scrap tracking as a permanent part of its recycling vendor auditing program.
In comments to federal regulators, Microsoft recently explained why the company might choose repair-hampering design factors when developing its products.
Three major electronics brands recently made recycling- and repair-related announcements or released new figures on their materials recovery progress.