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E-Scrap News magazine is the premier trade journal for electronics recycling and refurbishment experts. It offers updates on the latest equipment and technology, details trends in electronics recycling legislation, highlights the work of innovative processors, and covers all the other critical industry news.

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Our top stories from May 2023

Published: June 7, 2023


Readers in May were drawn to developments in the realms of smelting and corporate responsibility. | Konstantin Savusia/Shutterstock

A mix of stories about components markets, Chromebook software support, CRT downstream movement struggles and more attracted ample clicks last month. Continue Reading

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Electronics right-to-repair bill passes California Senate

Published: June 7, 2023

Old washing machines stacked for recycling.

Having made it past the Senate, SB 244 has now gone further into the legislative process than any other right-to-repair bill in California. | V.stock/Shutterstock

A right-to-repair bill covering electronics and appliances moved forward in California, heading from the Senate to the Assembly after some amendments.  Continue Reading

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RGX nets Colorado grant for digital ITAD marketplace

Published: June 7, 2023


The RGX grant is part of the Office of Economic Development and International Trade’s efforts to boost innovation in the state. | People Image Studio/Shutterstock

A Colorado business looking to make ITAD services more accessible and more efficient for both customer and provider was awarded a state grant to support its efforts.  Continue Reading

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Pennsylvania eyes e-scrap program overhaul

Published: June 1, 2023

Laptops for recycling or reuse

The latest e-scrap legislation in the Keystone State aims to address an accumulation of electronics that are expensive or difficult for residents to recycle. | ThamKC/Shutterstock

Two Pennsylvania senators are trying to restructure the current e-scrap recycling program to make it more efficient and convenient.  Continue Reading

Rare earth recycling company plans UK facility

Published: June 1, 2023


HyProMag also has ambitions to build similar rare earth magnet recycling facilities in Germany and the U.S. in the future. | Courtesy of University of Birmingham

The first full-scale rare earth magnet recycling facility in the U.K. will be based in Birmingham, England, following work by University of Birmingham researchers.   Continue Reading

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Survey provides insight into consumers’ data concerns

Published: June 1, 2023


Researchers in Ireland found that the country’s e-scrap and electrical appliances recycling rate for the past three years has been roughly 40%, despite a target of 65%. |

A survey commissioned by a producer responsibility organization found that data security concerns are holding back recycling rates for scrap electronics and small appliances. Continue Reading

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