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Author Archives: Marissa Heffernan

About Marissa Heffernan

Marissa HeffernanMarissa Heffernan started working for Resource Recycling in January 2022 after spending several years as a reporter at a daily newspaper in Southwest Washington. She can be contacted at [email protected].

Washington state lawmakers pass battery EPR bill

Published: April 20, 2023


The bills cover a wide range of items, from single-use plastics at lodging establishments to blades for wind turbines. | Ververidis Vasilis/Shutterstock

Washington state legislators sent to the governor’s desk a bill that sets up an extended producer responsibility program for batteries.  Continue Reading

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Sustaining workplace diversity requires culture shifts

Published: April 12, 2023

<em>Speakers at the NERC Spring 2023 Conference offered advice on achieving diversity, equity and inclusion goals.</em>| <em>Light Spring/Shutterstock</em>

Speakers at the NERC Spring 2023 Conference offered advice on achieving diversity, equity and inclusion goals. | Light Spring/Shutterstock

Hard conversations, checking unconscious bias and letting employees drive change with leadership’s support are all vital to building more diverse workforces, experts recently explained.
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Battery recycler receives another federal grant

Published: April 12, 2023

Processing equipment inside the Princeton NuEnergy facility.

Princeton NuEnergy’s pilot line can process 500 tons of material per year, sourcing batteries from Apple, Dell, Samsung and Call2Recycle. | Courtesy of Princeton NuEnergy

Princeton NuEnergy secured a $12 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy to accelerate the commercialization of its technology.  Continue Reading

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Minnesota study estimates value of e-scrap

Published: March 29, 2023

Electronics collected for recycling.

Study authors found that white goods such as refrigerators and washing machines made up half of Minnesota’s e-scrap by weight. | Akiyoko/Shutterstock

Researchers in Minnesota recently estimated what a statewide 100% e-scrap recycling rate would look like in terms of metals recovery, finding that it would generate 78.6 million pounds of metals worth $2.8 billion. Continue Reading

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Processor loses certification over exports to Asia

Published: March 22, 2023

Old printers for recycling.

The president of eGreen IT Solutions, Karin Harris, argues that her company should have been alerted after BAN determined it sent a printer to an unapproved immediate downstream processor. | KG Design/Shutterstock

Arizona-based eGreen IT Solutions was stripped of its e-Stewards certification after GPS trackers showed overseas printer shipments. The company says it did not “knowingly” break rules.  Continue Reading