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Tag Archives: markets

Recycling firm will shutter facilities due to paper market

Published: January 28, 2020


Rebuts solides Canadiens said it can no longer find a market for recovered paper produced at its Quebec MRFs. | Catherine Zibo/Shutterstock

Update: Quebec government officials say they’ve reached an agreement with Rebuts Solides Canadiens to continue services until another operator can be found.

A Canadian MRF operator will stop operating multiple facilities across Quebec in the near future, citing a lack of end markets for a key recyclable.

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Experts react to China’s updated metals specs

Published: January 28, 2020


China’s imports of some categories of non-ferrous metals, including copper, have gone down because of import quotas. | Andrew b Stowe/Shutterstock

Reports from the Bureau of International Recycling shine a light on non-ferrous scrap metal markets as we enter the new year, particularly in China.

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Verso mill deepens move into recycled packaging business

Published: January 14, 2020


Verso announced its Duluth, Minn. mill will be producing 90,000 tons of recycled products per year. | DenisNata/Shutterstock

A Minnesota recycled paper mill conversion project has expanded beyond its original planned capacity and may grow further, company officials recently announced. Production is slated to begin this month.

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