Years of work, capped by several frenzied months, went into the passage of California’s SB 54, one of the biggest recycling laws in U.S. history. | Jonathan Lenz/Shutterstock
Years of work, capped by several frenzied months, went into the passage of California’s SB 54, one of the biggest recycling laws in U.S. history. | Jonathan Lenz/Shutterstock
California has added wine and liquor bottles to the state’s beverage container redemption program. | Kieferpix/Shutterstock
California is adding wine and distilled spirits to its container redemption program, among other changes, after the governor signed the program expansion bill into law.
Recovery facilities in California face a number of changes in the wake of legislative updates. | gavrilhurgoi/Shutterstock
Amid a flurry of bills at the end of California’s legislative session, lawmakers passed $1.3 billion in recycling spending and made a number of key policy changes. A recent webinar hinted at what the changes may mean for MRFs.
Thermoforms such as those shown here often contain post-consumer material from bottles, but a California bill would require post-consumer thermoforms to be used in production of new thermoforms. | Anakumka/Shutterstock
Current debate over a California bill requiring PET thermoforms to contain recycled PET derived from thermoforms boils down to one question: What will MRFs do?
California legislators sent a number of recycling-related bills to the governor at the end of this session. | Leonid Adnronov/Shutterstock
When California’s legislative session ended Aug. 31, a number of recycling-related bills passed just before the deadline. Here’s a roundup of bills currently waiting to be signed into law and that have already been signed.
Some glass recycling advocates have withdrawn their support for proposed California bottle bill legislation in the wake of last-minute amendments. | Fotosr52/Shutterstock
Just days before the end of the legislative session, lengthy amendments were tacked on to California bottle bill expansion legislation, greatly increasing the cost of the program. In response, some previous backers rescinded their support.
The U.S. EPA accepted comments on recycling grant programs until late July 2022. | g0d4ather/Shutterstock
The U.S. EPA received several hundred suggestions for setting up two recycling grant programs authorized under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.
Proposed regulations in Canada would limit the use of the chasing-arrows symbol among other provisions. | Alexander Sviridov/Shutterstock
The Canadian government will develop rules for recyclability and compostability labeling and establish a federal plastics registry for producers of plastic products.
Legislators recently spoke about their challenges and successes with EPR legislation. | Banlai/Shutterstock
Four state-level elected officials who have worked on extended producer responsibility bills for packaging recently discussed how they became champions of recycling policy and offered tips to help advance legislation.
The industry-supported bills would establish a grant program and mandate better reporting. | Orhan Cam/Shutterstock
The U.S. Senate unanimously passed two bills that would improve rural recycling and composting accessibility as well as boost data collection, sending the legislation to the House for a vote.