This story originally appeared in the January 2017 issue of Resource Recycling.
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This story originally appeared in the January 2017 issue of Resource Recycling.
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The statewide recycling and composting rate for California fell to 47 percent last year after hovering near 50 percent during the previous three years.
Expanding and extending tax credits for biogas would help spur investments in anaerobic digestion and related composting technologies, the CEO of Bulk Handling Systems told U.S. senators last week.
A California bill aims to stem the tide of beverage container redemption center closures in the Golden State. But it also threatens the entire container-recycling industry in the state if lawmakers fail to make reforms by next April.
Legislation requiring cities to reduce their per-capita waste generation has gained traction in Massachusetts.
Congress may again attempt to create new regulations covering the disposal and recycling of used electronics, with the reintroduction of the Responsible Electronics Recycling Act (RERA).
Legislation introduced in San Francisco would extend the city’s current ban on expanded polystyrene food-service items to packaging and a host of other products.
Representing a dozen battery manufacturers, battery stewardship organization Call2Recycle will submit to Vermont regulators a plan for the collection and recycling of single-use batteries.
A committee in the New Jersey General Assembly voted to advance the “Smart Container Act,” which would place a 10-cent deposit on containers of less than 24 ounces and a 20-cent deposit on larger ones.
Oregon, the first state to launch a beverage container deposit program, will also be the first in the U.S. to increase its deposit amount.