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Largest commingled MRF in North America adds robots

Published: December 6, 2022

EverestLabs robots at work sorting material at the Sims Sunset Park MRF.

Two EverestLabs robots pick out material on the Sunset Park MRF’s last-chance line. | Courtesy of EverestLabs

Sims Municipal Recycling installed four EverestLabs robots in its New York City MRF and plans to add up to four more in 2023, bringing the facility into the AI age. 

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MRFs move ahead with multi-million-dollar upgrades

Published: December 5, 2022

Charlotte, N.C. skyline seen in distance above trees.

Van Dyk Recycling Solutions was selected by Mecklenburg County, N.C. to rebuild a publicly owned MRF that sorts and sells recyclables from Charlotte and surrounding communities. | CLS Digital Arts/Shutterstock

On either side of the country, major recycling players are investing big money into significant improvements to their facilities.

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Shared database vital for better recycling

Published: December 5, 2022

MRF Interior with equipment.

The Sightline database currently has over 5 million data points across the U.S., representing all 50 states, over 3,000 counties and 14,000 disposal and recovery facilities. | Resource Recycling file photo

With new state laws requiring more and more reporting of waste generation and diversion data, the Re-TRAC team launched a detailed database to improve efficiency and information sharing. 

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Suit targets Closed Loop e-scrap suppliers in Arizona

Published: December 5, 2022

Aerial view of Closed Loop Phoenix site.

Closed Loop began leasing the Phoenix facilities in 2010, and when it failed in early 2016, it left a combined 106 million pounds of cathode-ray tube materials on both properties (59th Ave. property pictured). | Courtesy of Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions/ADEQ

Owners of Phoenix warehouses filed a federal lawsuit against electronic scrap companies that shipped cathode-ray tube materials to Closed Loop Refining and Recovery, and already two defendants have agreed to pay out roughly $1 million each. 

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Another aggressive plastics bill lands in Congress

Published: December 2, 2022

US Capitol building in Washington, D.C.

The new act is built on the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act, which was introduced in the last two Congressional sessions but failed to move forward. | Rob Crandall/Shutterstock

A newly introduced bill in Congress is reviving parts of the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act, with a focus on environmental justice. 

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Our top stories from November 2022

Published: December 5, 2022

Old cardboard containers (OCC) collected for recycling.

A look at market conditions for OCC end users was of interest to readers last month. | Kenishirotie/Shutterstock

Lots of articles about commodity markets, as well as our dissection of Greenpeace’s questionable math, drew readers’ clicks in November.
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Driscoll’s and its suppliers propel thermoform recycling

Published: July 19, 2022


Berry brand owner Driscoll’s has worked with its clamshell suppliers to boost the percentage of recycled PET derived from used thermoforms. | Courtesy of Driscoll’s

Clamshell containers used by berry brand Driscoll’s last year contained an average of 9% recycled PET sourced from used thermoforms. Continue Reading

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