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Packaging deposits, packaging EPR get federal attention

Published: March 19, 2024


The Senate Committee of Environment & Public Works recently held a hearing on extended producer responsibility for consumer packaging, while Alpek Polyester and BlueTriton Brands also joined a lobbying effort to advocate for a national bottle bill. | j.chizhe/Shutterstock

Several different policy strategies to increase recycling have been getting federal attention as of late, including extended producer responsibility and container deposits.   Continue Reading

Colorado regulators suggest mid-range EPR scenario

Published: March 19, 2024


On March 12, the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment recommended a medium-level recycling scenario to the Joint Budget Committee. | RozenskiP/Shutterstock

Colorado state regulators suggested choosing a mid-level recycling scenario for its extended producer responsibility program for packaging, but a final decision is yet to come.  Continue Reading

Recycling facilities reported fewer fires in 2023

Published: March 19, 2024


Overall, e-scrap, scrap metal, C&D debris, rubber and organics recycling facilities reported 373 fires, down 4% year over year. | Piotr Zajda/Shutterstock

An annual report from recycling industry fire protection firm Fire Rover found that publicly reported MRF and transfer station fires in the U.S. and Canada dropped by 9% in 2023 compared to the prior year. Continue Reading

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Recycled fiber capacity tracker publishes final report

Published: March 19, 2024

Baled OCC stacked for recycling.

China’s withdrawal from the fiber export market and a rise in e-commerce created an opportunity for domestic mills to consume more recycled fiber. | BAO Images Bildagentur/Shutterstock

All but two of 25 confirmed recycled paper mill projects announced over the past five years are completed, and new capacity activity has slowed considerably, according to a recent review led by the Northeast Recycling Council. Continue Reading

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Ten EPR bills introduced in 2024 so far

Published: March 1, 2024

NY state capitol building.

Nine states are looking to enact extended producer responsibility packaging, and Hawai’i chose to put a “pre-EPR” bill into play. | Paul-Brady-Photography/Shutterstock

Extended producer responsibility for paper and packaging is once again a hot topic in statehouses across the country. 

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Right-to-repair bills active in a dozen states

Published: March 1, 2024


The level of activity follows expert predictions that 2024 would see an influx of right-to-repair consumer electronics bills. | skimin0k/Shutterstock

There are over 25 bills establishing the right to repair consumer items in play across the U.S., and more than a dozen of those cover consumer electronics. 

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SB 54 advisory board elects StopWaste director chair

Published: February 2, 2024

California flag

The California Department of Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery facilitated several meetings centered on SB 54 in early February. | ksanawo/Shutterstock

The first few days of February saw several big moments for California’s extended producer responsibility law for packaging, with a first advisory board meeting and a well-attended public question-and-answer session. 

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Illinois eyes bottle bill, amends SB 85 multiple times

Published: January 5, 2024

plastic bottles

Illinois stakeholders have been workshopping a beverage container deposit return system under Senate Bill 85. | luckyraccoon/Shutterstock

Illinois may or may not be the next state to pass a bill setting up a beverage container deposit return system under Senate Bill 85, and industry players recently debated the benefits and concerns around the bill. 

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California’s composting mandate drives market growth

Published: January 5, 2024

Food waste gathered for composting.

One year after California’s SB 1383 went into effect mandating organics recycling, 75% of jurisdictions report they have residential organic collection. | Jesse David Falls/Shutterstock

It’s been a year since a California law mandating organics recycling went into effect, and initial results show both high landfill diversion rates and strong market growth.

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