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Top stories from April 2024

Published: May 7, 2024


Readers were drawn to a discussion of the pros and cons of switching from plastic to paper packaging last month. Other hot topics included AI-facilitated data collection, EPR policy development, and the latest market prices for recyclables.
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Unilever misses recyclability goals, calls for policy action

Published: May 7, 2024


Global consumer products company Unilever announced it will revise its sustainability goals, but also said the experience had shown that policy is needed to make real change. | DeawSS/Shutterstock

Unilever recently acknowledged it will miss its 2025 target date for key plastics recycling goals and revised its pledge to reflect that reality – but the company’s head of packaging also said the failure contributed to its support for stronger regulations like extended producer responsibility. Continue Reading

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INC-4 starts text negotiations, stalls on production

Published: May 7, 2024


The week of negotiations had moments of both hope and frustration for delegates, who are racing against the clock to create a final treaty. | Photo courtesy of IISD/ENB Kiara Worth

The fourth meeting to draft a global plastic pollution treaty ended just after 3 a.m. on April 30 with general agreement on the need for global rules and mandates on product design, composition, performance and extended producer responsibility. 

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New York again aiming for packaging EPR

Published: May 3, 2024

New York recycling

The Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act AB 5322 in the Assembly Codes committee and its companion bill, SB 4246, is in the Senate finance committee. | robert-paul-van-beet/Shutterstock

New York legislators are once again pushing to become the fifth state in the U.S. to implement extended producer responsibility for packaging.  

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How Exxon, others improve supply for chemical recycling

Published: May 15, 2023


From left: Dan Leif, Holli Alexander and Candace Rutherford. | Big Wave Productions/Resource Recycling

This story has been corrected.

Chemical recyclers are forging partnerships, eyeing underutilized material streams and getting creative to secure enough supply to feed their ambitious plans, according to leaders in the sector.  Continue Reading

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Sea-faring plastics recycling project sees success

Published: April 29, 2024


Plastic Odyssey has stopped in 20 countries over the last year and a half, working to connect local plastics recycling stakeholders and share recycling knowledge. | Photo courtesy Plastic Odyssey

It’s been nearly 18 months since a 128-foot vessel embarked on a global voyage to share knowledge and equipment with communities facing plastic pollution management challenges. A leader of the Plastic Odyssey project reported on the progress in an interview. Continue Reading

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Report: Canadian diversion rates stay steady in 2022

Published: April 29, 2024

Stacks of baled paper for recycling.

Statistics Canada released a detailed breakdown of the material diverted from landfill in 2022 and if it was generated by residential or non-residential sources. | Siwakorn1933/Shutterstock

A recent analysis from the Canadian government found that, in 2022, Canadian households and businesses diverted 9.9 million metric tons of material, the same as in 2020. Of that amount, about 3.6 million tons were paper fibers. Continue Reading

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