A new report on the state of curbside recycling in the United States drew attention in February. | stephen rudolph/Shutterstock
Stories about declining export markets and painful curbside recyclables pricing drew our readers’ attention last month.
The list below shows our top stories published in February in terms of unique page views.
1 | Paper and plastic export numbers take historic dive
In 2019, recovered fiber exports from the United States experienced their largest year-over-year decline on record. U.S. scrap plastic exports also continued a substantial fall.
2 | Report: Value of curbside materials drops 66% in two years
To quickly grasp the struggles facing American curbside recycling programs, one can follow the money – or lack thereof. In July 2017, a ton of recyclables was worth over $90. In October 2019, it was worth $30. That’s according to new research from The Recycling Partnership.
3 | Details on a sweeping US recycling bill
Two Congressmen introduced a comprehensive waste management and recycling support bill. Last month, they shared details about the legislation and expressed optimism that it will garner bipartisan support.
4 | DS Smith expands North American recycled fiber capacity
A major British paper manufacturer is growing its presence in the U.S., increasing domestic demand for recovered fiber. The company’s leader forecasts a great future for recycled fiber use in paper packaging.
5 | How packaging EPR could take shape in Oregon
Industry leaders in one West Coast state are pondering a variety of different frameworks to help recycling programs and processors find greater resilience in the wake of National Sword. Producers may ultimately be asked to play a big role in the solution.