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Tag Archives: research

Casella tests recyclability of medical plastics

Published: October 17, 2023


Now that its medical waste recycling pilot has yielded “favorable results,” Casella Waste Systems is looking to broaden the project to include more healthcare facilities. | Courtesy of BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company)

As part of a pilot project to explore the recyclability of medical waste, Casella Waste Systems and medical company BD recycled 40,000 pounds of material, including syringes and needles.  Continue Reading

Studies cover food-grade recycled PP, airborne plastics

Published: October 3, 2023


Researchers in Japan found microplastics in clouds at the summit of Mount Fuji and other nearby mountains. | Martinho Smart/Shutterstock

One academic study from Iowa explored using residential PP scrap at different levels in new food bottles, and another in Japan discovered nine different polymer types as microplastics in clouds.  Continue Reading

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Closed Loop study breaks down chemical recycling terms

Published: September 26, 2023


Study authors evaluated three categories of chemical recycling technology and found that the “purification” category yielded the highest PCR return. | Vitte Yevhen/Shutterstock

As with many emerging technologies, chemical recycling goes by a variety of names, including “advanced” and “molecular” recycling. A study from Closed Loop Partners dug into the differences.  Continue Reading

AI-powered study will examine PP recycling streams

Published: September 12, 2023


The research team hopes that a better accounting of PP moving through materials recovery facilities will help build a circular economy for the material. | Pixel B/Shutterstock

Closed Loop Partners, NextGen Consortium and AI developer Greyparrot plan to study the composition of polypropylene in recycling streams using artificial intelligence.  Continue Reading

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Data shows largely stagnant bottle return rates

Published: August 29, 2023


Of the nine states for which data is available, only two showed meaningful increases in their container redemption rates. | Poring Studio/Shutterstock

Most states with deposit return systems saw static or reduced bottle redemption rates in 2022, according to a deposit advocacy organization. Continue Reading

Study: Tailored changes needed for urban circularity

Published: August 29, 2023

Plastic waste pile

Researchers at The Circulate Initiative identified several common challenges that cities face when dealing with plastic waste. | Mohamed Abdulraheem/Shutterstock

Research recently undertaken by several groups dug into how individual cities in ocean plastic hot spots are approaching materials management. Continue Reading

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Industry group calls for PCR quality standards

Published: August 1, 2023


The Alliance to End Plastic Waste argues that consistent specifications for quality material will help drive investment in sorting and collection technology. | Fabrika Simf/Shutterstock

The Alliance to End Plastic Waste suggested the recycling industry in the European Union develop target specifications for processed materials to ease the transition to a circular economy. Continue Reading

Study: Feds should pave the way for PCR in roads

Published: July 18, 2023


Drainage pipes are a form of infrastructure that already typically include recycled plastic. | Courtesy of Advanced Drainage Systems

Not only should the U.S. try to expand and standardize plastics recycling, but it should also consider using the material in various public infrastructure projects, a report suggested.  Continue Reading

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Do deposits decrease beverage sales? Study says no

Published: July 19, 2023

Grocery store aisle with Coca-Cola products.

The Container Recycling Institute and Reloop released a study showing that deposit return systems do not have a negative effect on beverage sales. | Zety Akhzar/Shutterstock

A study looking at two decades of beverage sale trends around the world found that there was no decrease in sales when deposit return systems went into effect or were expanded.  Continue Reading

Post-consumer plastics find uses in furniture, polymers

Published: June 21, 2023


Innovative designers are developing applications for recycled content that range from industrial molding and compounding to residential seating. | Courtesy of Herman Miller

Two companies are marketing chairs made from recycled content, and another two debuted lines of post-consumer polymers.
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