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Tag Archives: industry groups

Experts dig into industry impact of 2024 elections

Published: September 11, 2024

U.S. Capitol building in the distance with U.S. flag and flowers in foreground.

The 2024 U.S. elections are the subject of a four-session webinar series held by the Recycled Materials Association. | Phil-Pasquini/Shutterstock

The next occupants of Congress and the White House likely will bring changes to corporate taxes, project permits, worker protections and other industry concerns no matter who wins this year’s elections, legal experts said last week during the first of four webinars hosted by the Recycled Materials Association about the 2024 races. But uncertainty still reigns when it comes to who will win, what they’ll be able to accomplish and how states and courts will respond. Continue Reading

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APR: Degradable additives cause recycling problems

Published: September 11, 2024

Mixed plastics for recycling.

The Association of Plastic Recyclers updated its Design Guide for Plastics Recyclability to note that packaging containing degradable additives, nutrients and supplements are no longer considered recyclable. | Josep Curto/Shutterstock

Degradable additives, nutrients and supplements will boot packaging into the non-recyclable category, according to an update to the Association of Plastic Recyclers’ Design Guide for Plastics Recyclability.

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Coalition seeks to narrow definition of ‘recycling’

Published: September 5, 2024

Yellow recycle container with chasing arrows symbol.

The National Recycling Coalition is seeking feedback on its draft policy, which discourages the labels of “advanced” or “chemical” for non-mechanical recycling. | Roman Zaiets/Shutterstock

The Policy Committee of the National Recycling Coalition has published a draft policy called “Chemical Recycling Is Not Recycling” and is seeking review and comment. Continue Reading

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U.S. Plastics Pact adds to its list of ‘problematic’ plastics

Published: September 5, 2024


Non-compostable produce stickers, multi-material plastic packaging and degradability additives have been added to U.S. Plastics Pact’s list of problematic and unnecessary materials. | Neungstockr/Shutterstock

With the U.S. Plastics Pact on track to eliminate its initial 11 problematic plastics by 2025, the group decided to add three more items to the list.  Continue Reading

APR encourages MRF tours over ‘tracker tests’

Published: September 5, 2024

Plastic bottles gathered for recycling.

After a rise in GPS tracker tests of curbside recyclable materials, the Association of Plastic Recyclers is asking the public to schedule a MRF tour instead. | pkproject/Shutterstock

The Association of Plastic Recyclers is encouraging members of the public who have questions about what really happens to their recycling to book a MRF tour instead of putting trackers in curbside materials.  Continue Reading

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Industry responds to US pivot on plastics production limits

Published: August 21, 2024

Shredded plastics for recycling.

The ACC and Plastics Industry Association expressed disappointment in the shift in policy, while environmental groups applauded it. | Mstfcn/Shutterstock

The U.S. has reversed its stance on plastics production limits and now will support inclusion of these efforts in a global treaty, according to recent reports. The abrupt shift garnered a strong reaction from the plastics industry and cautious optimism from environmental groups.   Continue Reading

Jeff Fielkow named as Circular Action Alliance CEO

Published: August 14, 2024


Circular Action Alliance hired Jeff Fielkow as CEO, putting him at the head of an organization with ambitious extended producer responsibility goals. | Monticello/Shutterstock

Circular Action Alliance picked Jeff Fielkow as CEO, putting the industry veteran at the head of several fast-paced plans to roll out extended producer responsibility laws for paper and packaging. 

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WM leans on automation in MRF upgrade

Published: July 24, 2024


The recent upgrade of WM’s Germantown MRF in Wisconsin added 20% more capacity to one of the company’s largest facilities in the heart of a rapidly growing manufacturing corridor. | Courtesy of WM

With a nearly $39 million upgrade completed at one of its biggest MRFs, WM officials are looking to further refine automation capabilities as well as add volumes in the Midwest. Continue Reading

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Industry reacts to federal plastic pollution strategy

Published: July 24, 2024


The Biden administration’s “Mobilizing Federal Action on Plastic Pollution: Progress, Principles and Priorities” strategy includes actions intended to reduce pollution from the production of plastics. | Poring Studio/Shutterstock

The Biden administration released a federal strategy aimed at reducing plastic pollution, drawing mixed responses from industry players.  Continue Reading

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Ameripen weighs in on draft federal labeling law

Published: July 2, 2024


Sen. Jeff Merkley is working on a draft bill that would set federal parameters around recycling labels on consumer packaging, called the Truth in Labeling Act of 2024. | 9dream Studio/Shutterstock

Due to its size and tendency to be on the leading edge of environmental law, California has long been seen as the bellwether, setting policy that other states will later follow – or that producers and manufacturers take as de facto law nationwide when it comes to standards. Continue Reading