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Study confirms Digimarc Recycle improves sortation

Published: October 18, 2022

TOMRA Digimarc Scanner

The study demonstrated 99% accuracy for the detection and sortation of films and flexibles. | Courtesy of Digimarc

A Canadian group’s study of Digimarc Recycle’s digital watermark showed that it does in fact improve accuracy for sorting flexible plastic packaging. 

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Scientists combine chemistry, biology to recycle mixed plastics

Published: October 18, 2022

Lab science scene with dropper and tubes.

A tandem chemical and biological process that draws from decades-old studies on chemical oxidation can be used to break down a variety of plastic types. | PowerUp/Shutterstock

Researchers have developed a way to turn mixed polymer plastics into a single chemical product, which could potentially eliminate the need to sort plastic by type prior to recycling.

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Chemical recycling studies explore feedstock, benefits

Published: October 18, 2022

Mixed plastics baled for recycling.

A Eunomia report commissioned by the Alliance to End Plastic Waste aimed to set requirements for pyrolysis feedstock. | paul prescott/Shutterstock

Two recently released reports investigated the benefits of chemical recycling and dug into setting feedstock requirements for pyrolysis.

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