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Closed Loop’s push to link up processors

Published: January 10, 2023

Inside Balcones Resources' Austin, Texas MRF.

Balcones Resources’ materials recovery facility (MRF) in Austin, Texas is one of a dozen recycling facilities now owned by newly launched company Circular Services. | Jared Paben / Plastics Recycling Update.

Last year’s launch of Circular Services created a new family of varied recycling companies, yet they’re all focused on a circular economy and are fueled with hundreds of millions of dollars in fresh capital. 

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Converter taps tech to use lower-grade RPET feedstock

Published: January 10, 2023

PET bottle laying across PET flakes.

D&W Fine Pack has used RPET for roughly a decade, and is now ramping up its use of post-consumer resins in response to growing demand. | Aykut Erdogdu/Shutterstock

A multi-million-dollar equipment investment is enabling D&W Fine Pack to recycle post-consumer PET flakes into 100% recycled content food packaging. An executive at the company described the project and the benefits it will bring.

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Pyrolysis company nets $150M to drive its growth

Published: January 10, 2023


Nexus Circular uses a pyrolysis technology to process scrap plastics into an oil that plastics producers can use to make new polyolefins. | Courtesy of Nexus Circular

Atlanta-based Nexus Circular has received a $150 million investment from a diversified global company, which will become its new owner. Continue Reading

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Seattle effort shows power of convenience on film collection

Published: January 10, 2023

Plastic bag bales

The project, run by Return-It and the American Chemistry Council (ACC), resulted in about 94% usable plastic. | Huguette Roe/Shutterstock

In five months, Washington state residents in the greater Seattle area turned in over 25 tons of film to independent grocery stores as part of a pilot project. Continue Reading

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