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Flexible film recycling project debuts in Canada

Published: May 23, 2023


PRFLEX will employ consulting firms to first gather data on film recycling, then propose solutions to improve collection and get more recycled film into packaging. | Courtesy of PRFLEX

A number of circularity organizations have collaborated to launch PRFLEX, an effort to improve flexible plastic recycling in Canada.  Continue Reading

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EPA opts to maintain existing pyrolysis air rules

Published: June 6, 2023

View of U.S. EPA website on screen.

Although many states have reclassified pyrolysis as a manufacturing process, the U.S. EPA will preserve its status as a form of incineration under federal law. | g0d4ather/Shutterstock

Ample time and staff resources are needed to study and gain a technical and regulatory understanding of the air quality impacts of pyrolysis. In the meantime, the process should remain subject to more stringent regulatory requirements, the U.S. EPA decided.  Continue Reading

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Indorama partners with Carbios on PET biorecycling plant

Published: June 6, 2023


The two companies have been collaborating for over a year on an enzymatic depolymerization method that they say results in “virgin-like” products. | Courtesy of Carbios

Indorama Ventures and biotech company Carbios are planning a joint effort to build a PET biorecycling facility in France.  Continue Reading

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Second global plastics meeting makes progress

Published: June 6, 2023

Flags from various nations against a blue sky background.

Many parties involved with the agreement see promise in the negotiations, but serious disagreements remain. | Gerain0812/Shutterstock

The second meeting to create a global plastics agreement ended with delegates agreeing to have a draft prepared in six months’ time, despite delays at the outset of negotiations. Continue Reading

Our top stories from May 2023

Published: June 6, 2023

Plastic flake with baled plastic in background.

In May, our readers were drawn to stories about plastics research and grants. | RecycleMan/Shutterstock

A mix of stories touching on chemical recycling, market pricing, activists’ claims and more drew clicks last month. Continue Reading

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Packaging EPR bill gets end-of-session push in New York

Published: June 6, 2023

New York state capitol building in Albany.

The amended extended producer responsibility bill enjoys support from Members of New York’s legislature, but faces opposition from several brands and industry groups. | Real Window Creative/Shutterstock

Some New York legislators are pushing to see extended producer responsibility for packaging pass this year. With days left in the session, they’ve reintroduced what they see as a compromise bill.
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ADS plans recycled resin ‘debottlenecking’ projects

Published: May 31, 2023


ADS’ plans for improved efficiency include automating material handling, pelletizing upgrades and expanded storage capacity. | Courtesy of Advanced Drainage Systems

Advanced Drainage Systems is in the midst of multiyear, multimillion-dollar recycling debottlenecking efforts that include upgrading recycling equipment and improving materials handling capabilities, an executive said.

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