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Our top stories from June 2023

Published: July 11, 2023


A story about food-contact RPET applications in the EU caught readers’ interest last month. | Jared Paben/Plastics Recycling Update

A mix of stories about food-grade PCR approvals, reclaimer upgrades and bale pricing drew the clicks last month. Continue Reading

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Trex releases ESG numbers, eyes sources for PE

Published: July 11, 2023

film recycling

Data from the decking company shows a drop in the weight of recycled film it used in 2022. | HappyStockPhoto/Shutterstock

Recycled plastic decking company Trex used 337 million pounds of recycled PE film in its products in 2022, it reported, and is taking steps to ensure it can get enough PE in the future.  Continue Reading

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CalRecycle names inaugural packaging EPR advisory board

Published: July 11, 2023


The board represents a variety of backgrounds and interests, with members coming from industry, manufacturing, environmental groups and municipalities. | Alexander Lukatskiy/Shutterstock

Leaders from Alameda County, Waste Connections and Talco Plastics are among the group of stakeholders that will oversee California’s extended producer responsibility program for packaging and paper.
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US sees recycling as key part of global plastics deal

Published: March 14, 2023


Steve Alexander of APR (left) and Monica Medina of the U.S. State Department at the 2023 Plastics Recycling Conference. | Big Wave Productions and Resource Recycling, Inc.

The Biden administration envisions a global plastics agreement that requires each country to take steps to boost demand for recycled resin, including through use of public procurement policies and packaging standardization. Continue Reading

Envision adding second line for recycled HDPE, PP

Published: June 27, 2023


The Envision investments will enable the company to grow its annual HDPE output by 25 to 30 million pounds. | Courtesy of Envision Plastics

Envision Plastics is leaning into demand for PCR and putting millions of dollars into adding another recycled food-grade HDPE and PP processing line at an existing facility. Continue Reading

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