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Oregon governor signs packaging EPR bill

Published: August 11, 2021

View of the Oregon captial building with greenspace in front.

Oregon will establish a producer responsibility program for packaging, printing and writing paper, and food serviceware. | Jacquie Klose / Shutterstock

Oregon will overhaul components of its recycling system and will make packaging producers partially responsible for funding recycling of their products. It’s the second U.S. state to approve such a law.

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TerraCycle and brands sued over recycling claims

Published: July 28, 2021

TerraCycle logo

The lawsuit alleges TerraCycle is enabling brand owners to mislead the public on the recyclability of their products. | photo_gonzo / Shutterstock

A nonprofit environmental organization is suing TerraCycle and several major brands, saying the companies are misleading consumers about the recyclability of their products through mail-in collection programs. TerraCycle’s CEO discussed the company’s labeling in an interview.

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Report: Cities should prioritize PET, HDPE, PP collection

Published: July 28, 2021

Curbside waste and recycling for collection.

A study from GAIA found that, in five selected cities, only 24% of PET, HDPE and PP was getting recycled. | Meg Wallace Photography / Shutterstock

A study published today by the Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives outlines familiar problems and constraints with the U.S. plastics recycling system.

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PET recycling startup signs deal with prime producer

Published: July 21, 2021

View of SK Global Chemicals and Loop Industries staff signing documents.

Na Kyung-soo, CEO of SK Global Chemical, signs the strategic investment agreement with Loop Industries on June 23. | Courtesy of SK Global Chemical

Quebec-based Loop Industries is receiving a $56 million equity investment from plastics giant SK Global Chemical to help it grow its PET depolymerization business.

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