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Indorama reaches RPET milestone

Published: September 26, 2023

View of Indorama company website with magnifying glass.

As it celebrates its latest achievement, Indorama is also committing to producing 750,000 metric tons of RPET each year. | Pavel Kapysh/Shutterstock

The world’s largest PET producer, Indorama Ventures, has now recycled the equivalent of 100 billion PET bottles. Continue Reading

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Closed Loop study breaks down chemical recycling terms

Published: September 26, 2023


Study authors evaluated three categories of chemical recycling technology and found that the “purification” category yielded the highest PCR return. | Vitte Yevhen/Shutterstock

As with many emerging technologies, chemical recycling goes by a variety of names, including “advanced” and “molecular” recycling. A study from Closed Loop Partners dug into the differences.  Continue Reading

HDPE toothpaste tube recyclability claim questioned

Published: September 26, 2023


Truth in Advertising argues that although Colgate-Palmolive’s 100% HDPE tubes are technically recyclable, in practice they end up in landfills. | George W. Bailey/Shutterstock

The 100% HDPE toothpaste tubes used by some brands and marketed as recyclable are under fire from a consumer watchdog group, with brands denying allegations of deceptive marketing.  Continue Reading

Texas e-scrap company installs e-plastics system

Published: September 26, 2023


Leaders at CompuCycle say the recently installed e-plastics line will help the company sell to the domestic market. | Courtesy of CompuCycle

Houston-based electronics recycling company CompuCycle is putting the finishing touches on an e-plastics sorting line, the latest domestic investment in processing capacity for plastics from electronics.
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Polymer company to revive bioplastics line

Published: September 26, 2023


The technology behind Terraloy earned Teknor Apex the Bioproduct Innovation of the Year Award in 2015. | Teknor Apex

In response to increasing market demand, Teknor Apex is relaunching Terraloy, a previously discontinued line of recycled, bio-derived and biodegradable compounds.  Continue Reading

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Indorama Ventures boosts RPET production

Published: September 13, 2023

Indorama company building in Jarkarta, Indonesia.

Indorama is just under half of the way to achieving its 2025 post-consumer PET target, with billion-dollar investments planned in order to reach the finish line. | Cahyadi Sugi/Shutterstock

Chemical company Indorama Ventures plans to invest $150 million in three PET recycling plants in India to boost its production of RPET. Continue Reading

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AI-powered study will examine PP recycling streams

Published: September 12, 2023


The research team hopes that a better accounting of PP moving through materials recovery facilities will help build a circular economy for the material. | Pixel B/Shutterstock

Closed Loop Partners, NextGen Consortium and AI developer Greyparrot plan to study the composition of polypropylene in recycling streams using artificial intelligence.  Continue Reading

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