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Studies cover food-grade recycled PP, airborne plastics

Published: October 3, 2023


Researchers in Japan found microplastics in clouds at the summit of Mount Fuji and other nearby mountains. | Martinho Smart/Shutterstock

One academic study from Iowa explored using residential PP scrap at different levels in new food bottles, and another in Japan discovered nine different polymer types as microplastics in clouds.  Continue Reading

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ADS purchased 540 million pounds of recycled plastic in 2023

Published: October 3, 2023


On top of its significant PCR use in 2023, ADS also broke ground on its Energy and Technology Center. | ADS

Advanced Drainage Systems continues to be a heavyweight in the recycled plastic arena, buying 540 million pounds of recycled material in 2023 and consuming a quarter of the pigmented HDPE bottles recovered in the United States. Continue Reading

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B.C. issues provincewide plastics ban, limits

Published: July 25, 2023


The bans on single-use items in British Columbia come as the Canadian federal government is pushing to enact similar legislation countrywide. | Courtesy of Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy

The British Columbia government will institute bans and other restrictions on single-use bags and food service items. A food retailers group says it’s the first province to implement such a regulation.  Continue Reading

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Brand owner settles suit over PE recycling bags

Published: October 3, 2023


An image of Reynolds’ Hefty Recycling bag box from a lawsuit challenging the recycling-related claims. Reynolds Consumer Products says it has since made wording changes to the packaging. | Screen copy from court filings

Reynolds Consumer Products has agreed to change advertising language and pay up to $4 million to settle one of multiple lawsuits alleging its marketing of recycling collection bags is illegal.  Continue Reading

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Manufacturer invests in mono-material flexibles production

Published: October 3, 2023


TC Transcontinental Packaging expects to complete its flexible packaging development project at some time in 2024. | TC Transcontinental Packaging

Packaging producer TC Transcontinental Packaging will invest $60 million to develop a recyclable all-PE flexible plastic package with greater heat resistance. Continue Reading

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Amazon to debut hub with packaging certifications

Published: October 3, 2023

Amazon Prime plastic bubble shipping mailer.

Amazon’s Sustainability Solutions Hub will act as a middleman between product vendors and Amazon’s existing sustainability efforts. | Oasisamue/Shutterstock

Amazon will roll out an online resource to help sellers participate in the company’s sustainability programs, including packaging sustainability efforts. Continue Reading

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Quebec implements EPR for agricultural plastics

Published: October 3, 2023


As part of a broader package of regulations, Quebec recently unveiled requirements that agricultural manufacturers fund recycling efforts for their products. | AgriRECUP photo

The province of Quebec is rolling out a plan to divert more agricultural plastics through an extended producer responsibility program.  Continue Reading

APR updates design guide with on-pack labeling tips

Published: October 3, 2023

Empty PET bottles for recycling.

The Association of Plastics Recyclers’ Global Design Catalog provides information on plastic recycling guidelines all over the world. | WeStudio/Shutterstock

The Association of Plastic Recyclers’ Global Design Catalog just got a facelift, bringing its design recommendations in line with the most recent recyclability requirements.  Continue Reading