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Tag Archives: processors

ITAD report ranks companies’ marketing results

Published: March 14, 2024


ITAD research and advising firm Compliance Standards shared the first edition of its ITAD Marketing Leadership Tracker. | NicoElNino/Shutterstock

Which processor has the most aggressive marketing campaign? Who is getting the most traffic from search engine results? How is the overall ITAD industry faring in site visits? An analysis from Compliance Standards has the answers. Continue Reading

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Component values sting Iron Mountain’s ITAD revenue

Published: March 7, 2024

Iron Mountain truck.

Iron Mountain reported $5.48 billion in full-year revenue for 2023, up 7% year over year, but its net income dropped 67%. | Bandersnatch/Shutterstock

Data management firm Iron Mountain reported a 67% decrease in income in 2023 compared to the prior year, largely because of macroeconomic forces but also due to lower resale market prices. Company executives said they’re optimistic about the company’s growing ITAD operations, however.

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A new ITAD firm starts up in Texas

Published: March 7, 2024


eCircular’s 38,000-square-foot facility has a processing target of about 50,000 units per month. | Courtesy eCircular

Led by a team that includes industry veterans, Houston, Texas-based ITAD firm eCircular announced its official launch on Feb. 28. A company leader says the venture will be able to fill an underserved portion of the ITAD market and help other processors as well.

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Processor employs robotics to process robotics

Published: February 29, 2024


Robotic sorting systems that have reached end of life are being processed by ITAD firm First America. | Courtesy of First America

Robotic sorting systems are increasingly making their way into e-scrap and ITAD facilities, where they help categorize, sort and even disassemble devices. Now, they’re entering one processor’s facilities as part of the end-of-life stream. Continue Reading

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Sims resells more devices, driving higher profits

Published: February 21, 2024


Sims Lifecycle Services repurposed 2.5 million devices during the 2024 fiscal half-year, up 39% from the half-year prior. | Rattanapong/Shutterstock

Global ITAD firm Sims Lifecycle Services repurposed 700,000 more devices in the first half of its 2024 fiscal year compared with the prior-year period, representing the third year in a row of significant growth in device volume. Continue Reading

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Canadian rare earth magnet recyclers awarded grants

Published: February 21, 2024


Geomega Resources and NeoCtech will both receive funding through NGen’s Global Innovation Cluster grant program | Zerbor/Shutterstock

Canadian industry-led nonprofit NGen awarded 86.7 million Canadian dollars ($64.2 million US dollars) in grants for 15 advanced manufacturing projects in Canada, including two rare-earth magnet recyclers.  Continue Reading

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Teck Resources eyeing EV battery recycling

Published: February 8, 2024

EV battery pack.

Teck is looking to add EV batteries to its recycling operations, which already include lead batteries, zinc alkaline batteries and CRT glass. | Sergii Chernov/Shutterstock

Teck Resources, one of the few remaining end markets for CRT glass in the Americas, is considering building an electric vehicle recycling plant.  Continue Reading

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