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Tag Archives: processors

California again considers higher e-scrap payments

Published: May 10, 2023

Old laptops stacked together for recycling.

CalRecycle is looking to increase compensation to e-scrap recyclers in light of growing overhead expenditures such as fuel and labor. | Dasytnik/Shutterstock

California e-scrap recyclers could see a boost to their state payments under a proposed rate increase motivated by high inflation and other factors. Continue Reading

Low chip prices hurt processor’s resale revenues

Published: May 10, 2023


Executives at Iron Mountain lamented lower prices for many electronics components but feel optimistic about the second half of 2023. | Monticello/Shutterstock

Iron Mountain’s asset life cycle business increased its volume of used electronics processed during the first quarter, but a depressed market for electronic components meant much lower revenues.  Continue Reading

Lithium-ion batteries cause fire at N.C. e-scrap facility

Published: April 26, 2023


Lithium primary batteries have a reputation for starting fires. | Courtesy of Sims Lifecycle Services

Lithium button cell batteries sparked a small fire at BlueSky Solutions, but an official at the North Carolina e-scrap recycler said workflow changes have been made to prevent future incidents.  Continue Reading

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Why an ITAD firm landed on Ohio for its new location

Published: April 20, 2023


CNE Direct located its newest facility in Ohio to make it easier to ship out refurbished devices. | Courtesy of CNE Direct

ITAD companies often seek to site facilities near their clients to reduce costs and environmental impacts of collecting used electronics. With its new Ohio plant, CNE Direct also considered downstream movement. Continue Reading

ITAD company reinvents itself as a software supplier

Published: April 12, 2023


RecycleSoft provides applications for managing inventory, weighing shipments, tracking driver locations and several other necessities for ITAD companies. | Huguette Roe/Shutterstock

When the CEO of electronics reuse and recycling company R3eWaste decided to license the firm’s operations management software to the industry at large, he recognized that no competitors would bite if R3eWaste still used it.  Continue Reading

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