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Tag Archives: metals

Glencore exec: E-scrap integral to low-carbon future

Published: February 8, 2023


A worker inspects shredded material at a Glencore sampling facility in Rhode Island. | Courtesy of Glencore

Glencore has been recovering copper and precious metals from e-scrap since the 1980s. But multiple trends are now forcing the world’s largest mining and metals company to adapt to changing markets: a push to decarbonize the transportation sector, efforts to shorten and bolster supply chains, and innovations in consumer electronics design and manufacturing.  

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Rare earth magnet recycling ramps up in Texas

Published: January 11, 2023


Noveon’s EcoFlux magnet requires 20% less material than traditionally produced magnets and requires 10% less energy to manufacture. | Courtesy of Noveon

When the founders of Noveon decided to tackle rare earth magnet recycling, they started at the beginning of the product’s life cycle instead of the end. 

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Processor to bring AI to PCB grading and sorting

Published: December 14, 2022

IRT's quality control manager, Josh Stangler uses the company's visioning system to assess board values.

IRT is capturing high-definition photos of printed circuit boards so AI-powered software can learn to categorize them by precious metals content. | Courtesy of IRT

Integrated Recycling Technologies is developing an AI-powered app for its suppliers that will quickly categorize and price their scrap circuit boards before they ship them. The software will also power the company’s own robotic circuit board sorting system.

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Proposed Exurban e-scrap smelter faces lawsuit

Published: November 30, 2022

Google Streetview showing farm at right and planned smelter site at left.

An October 2022 Google image showing the Bulmahns’ farm at right and the site of the planned Exurban smelter at left behind the trees. | Google Streetview

Owners of a farm across the road from a planned e-scrap smelter in Indiana filed a lawsuit seeking to halt the project, arguing that a facility of its type isn’t allowed by the local zoning code. 

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Apple’s sustainability moves include recycled metals, more

Published: October 26, 2022

Apple's latest iPad Pro

Apple’s latest iPad Pro is made with recycled gold, copper, aluminum, tin and rare earth elements. | Courtesy of Apple

Apple has released products made with recycled metals, is reiterating a call for its suppliers to become carbon neutral and plans to adopt USB-C chargers to comply with European Union law.  

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