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Tag Archives: local programs

Florida county opts to send e-scrap to incinerator

Published: June 28, 2023


Pinellas County, Fla. officials said residents have disposed of more e-scrap through their regular garbage than the household hazardous waste program. | Mameraman/Shutterstock

Two municipalities in Florida have sidestepped sending household e-scrap to their contracted processor for recycling and are instead hauling material to a waste-to-energy plant.  Continue Reading

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Minnesota study estimates value of e-scrap

Published: March 29, 2023

Electronics collected for recycling.

Study authors found that white goods such as refrigerators and washing machines made up half of Minnesota’s e-scrap by weight. | Akiyoko/Shutterstock

Researchers in Minnesota recently estimated what a statewide 100% e-scrap recycling rate would look like in terms of metals recovery, finding that it would generate 78.6 million pounds of metals worth $2.8 billion. Continue Reading

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URT processing batteries collected curbside in Oregon

Published: February 22, 2023

iPhone battery recycling

URT has so far processed about 7.5 tons of batteries one Oregon hauler collected at the curb. | Parilov/Shutterstock

Over the past several years, a handful of Oregon counties decided to switch to curbside battery collection to avoid fires. Universal Recycling Technologies has been processing some of the collected tonnage. 

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How a county-processor contract addresses equity

Published: September 1, 2022

TechDump employee at work tearing down a device.

Repowered, formerly known as Tech Dump, has secured an electronics recycling and repair contract with Ramsey County, Minn., which includes the city of St. Paul. | Courtesy of Repowered

A Twin Cities-area processor won an electronics recycling and repair contract with the second largest county in Minnesota, a deal that comes as the company undergoes a rebrand.

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Midwest city reports lower e-scrap collections and expenses

Published: July 21, 2022


Program officials pointed to a 21% year-over-year reduction in total TV drop-offs, as well as a shift from CRTs to flat-screen TVs in the end-of-life stream. | James Meyer/Shutterstock

The city of Milwaukee collected 14% less e-scrap at its drop-off centers last year than the year before, marking the continuation of a trend of falling collection weights.

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