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Tag Archives: data security

Oregon debates consumer electronics right-to-repair bill

Published: February 15, 2023

Solid state drive

Oregon’s SB 542 would require OEMs to make the same information they give to authorized repair shops available to independent shops and consumers. | JIPEN/Shutterstock

Public testimony on a proposed consumer electronics right-to-repair bill in Oregon spilled over into two days, with 19 speaking in favor and eight speaking against. 

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Equipment Spotlight: Ameri-Shred targets small media for shredding

Published: February 1, 2023

Closeup of the inside of an SSD drive.

M.2 SSDs tend to be 3 millimeters thick, 22 millimeters wide and either 60 millimeters or 80 millimeters long, with some variation. | Alberto Garcia Guillen/Shutterstock

As data-bearing equipment continues to get smaller, it creates the possibility for the devices to become too small to be handled by typical SSD shredders. 

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SERI clarifies standard on smart device data sanitization

Published: December 14, 2022

Person using a worn fitness tracker.

Devices covered by the recently released interpretation include smart TVs, smart watches, fitness trackers and IP-connected home security devices. | Maridav/Shutterstock

A formal interpretation of the R2v3 standard aims to help certified facilities deal with smart devices that pose unique data sanitization challenges.

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SERI looks to address smart device data challenges

Published: November 9, 2022

Apple Watch on product box.

SERI is working to clarify its R2v3 standard on how to handle data on different kinds of smart devices. | Anastasia Desiana/Shutterstock

This story has been corrected.

It has long been acknowledged in the reuse world that some smart items, such as fitness trackers, are difficult to properly wipe personal data from. One organization is now taking steps to address the problem. 

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Morgan Stanley pays millions more in wake of ITAD mishaps

Published: October 12, 2022

Morgan Stanley company sign on building in Texas.

The financial costs from Morgan Stanley’s ITAD project mismanagement have grown to over $163 million. | JHVEPhoto/Shutterstock

This story has been updated.

Morgan Stanley’s years of IT asset disposition errors have cost the banking giant over $163 million, according to an updated E-Scrap News tally. New details on the data loss incidents have also recently come to light.

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Experts map out landmines in electronic data destruction

Published: June 16, 2022

Hard drive shredding

At a recent industry conference, experts emphasized that removing and shredding hard drives may not destroy all data on devices. | Huguette Roe/Shutterstock

A client may ask a processor to destroy their hard drives, but doing so may not accomplish their ultimate goal: protecting the company by destroying all data. That’s because data may lurk in unsuspecting places.

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