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Sims repurposes more material and grows revenue by 9%

Published: March 17, 2022

Reviewing business documents.

Sims Lifecycle Service reported earnings for the first half of the 2022 fiscal year were up about 46% year-over-year. | suphakit73/Shutterstock

ITAD and data center services company Sims Lifecycle Service boosted its sales and profits during the latter half of last year, according to recent financial filings.

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Feds fund R&D for rare earths and other e-scrap metals

Published: March 17, 2022


The U.S. government is investing millions of dollars to develop technologies to recover rare earths, such as neodymium. | RHJPhtotoandilustration/Shutterstock

The U.S. military has kickstarted a $5 million project to research and develop technologies for recovering critical metals from e-scrap.

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Back Market launches buy-back service

Published: March 17, 2022

Devices stacked for recycling.

Back Market’s service aims to recirculate the estimated 100 million devices sitting in drawers across the country. | andras csontos/Shutterstock

Online refurbished electronics marketplace Back Market has started a U.S. program that allows consumers to sell their devices directly to refurbishers.

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PPP pumped $606M into repair and maintenance industry

Published: March 17, 2022

Calcuating at a desk.

An analysis shows electronics repair and recycling firms received over $600 million in Paycheck Protection Program loans. | Kmpzzz/Shutterstock

Electronics repair and maintenance businesses received about $606 million in Paycheck Protection Program loans, a sum that includes over $166 million received after Congress allowed certain companies to take a second bite at the PPP apple.

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Our top stories from February 2022

Published: March 17, 2022

Quantum's Bramford, Ontario facility.

News that Canadian processor Quantum Lifecycle Partners had made acquisitions was of interest to readers last month. | Courtesy of Quantum Lifecycle Partners

Announcements from electronics processors, an e-scrap exports bill and more drew our readers’ clicks last month.

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