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Recycled-content certification for electronics launches

Published: May 17, 2023

A person using a computer with hand on mouse and keyboard.

The recently launched certification standard, SCS-103A, sets thresholds, ranging from 5% to 50%, for recycled content in various categories of products. | DC Studio/Shutterstock

Environmental and sustainability certifier SCS Global Services launched a recycled-content certification for the electrical and electronic equipment industries that verifies the total percentage of recycled materials in products. Continue Reading

California again considers higher e-scrap payments

Published: May 10, 2023

Old laptops stacked together for recycling.

CalRecycle is looking to increase compensation to e-scrap recyclers in light of growing overhead expenditures such as fuel and labor. | Dasytnik/Shutterstock

California e-scrap recyclers could see a boost to their state payments under a proposed rate increase motivated by high inflation and other factors. Continue Reading

In My Opinion: Use IR detection to help prevent fires

Published: May 10, 2023


David C. Bursell of MoviTHERM believes infrared technology is a game changer for protecting the lives of workers and avoiding property damage at recycling facilities. | Piotr Zajda/Shutterstock

Waste and recycling facilities are crucial in handling the world’s growing waste streams, but they pose a significant risk of fires. Continue Reading

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Low chip prices hurt processor’s resale revenues

Published: May 10, 2023


Executives at Iron Mountain lamented lower prices for many electronics components but feel optimistic about the second half of 2023. | Monticello/Shutterstock

Iron Mountain’s asset life cycle business increased its volume of used electronics processed during the first quarter, but a depressed market for electronic components meant much lower revenues.  Continue Reading