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South Carolina e-scrap overhaul signed into law 

Published: July 14, 2022

South Carolina capitol building with gardens.

E-scrap collection in South Carolina is set to undergo some major modifications. | Jon Bilous/Shutterstock

South Carolina’s e-scrap program will be seeing significant changes in the coming year after the governor signed House Bill 4775 into law.  Continue Reading

Acquisition deepens Korea Zinc’s presence in US

Published: July 11, 2022

Korea Zinc logo under magnifying glass

Korea Zinc’s deal creates a vertically integrated global e-scrap entity that will control material from collection all the way through to final smelting. | Pavel Kapysh/Shutterstock

Metals giant Korea Zinc is set to control e-scrap recycling and secondary processing operations in the U.S. and Europe, striking a $332 million deal to acquire a majority stake in Igneo Technologies.
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Processor builds ‘eco-campus’ to leverage supply chain trends

Published: July 8, 2022

Greenchip NY team

The staff of GreenChip’s Brooklyn, N.Y. operation, with Managing Partner Bill Monteleone on the far right. | Courtesy of GreenChip

Responding to client needs as well as market shifts around plastics and other materials, e-scrap and ITAD company GreenChip has plans to significantly expand in Virginia.

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Defendants agree to pay $550,000 to clean up CRT sites

Published: July 8, 2022

Court gavel on table.

Two new settlements totaling over $500,000 are the latest in the Closed Loop Refining CRT cleanup case. | corgarashu/Shutterstock

Two New England e-scrap recycling companies have agreed to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to help fund CRT cleanups at former Closed Loop Refining and Recovery warehouses in Ohio.

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Study finds consumers want faster, more secure trade-in

Published: July 8, 2022

Used cellphones stacked for recycling.

Device trade-in processes could be improved to capture more of the 550 million devices estimated to be in U.S. homes. |

A survey from one industry company finds U.S. consumers would trade in more used mobile phones if there was a price guarantee and better customer service in general.

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