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Washington, D.C. program reopens door to R2 firms

Published: April 26, 2023


The Council of the District of Columbia voted unanimously in December to allow OEMs participating in the eCYCLE Program to contract with R2-certified facilities. | JHVE Photo/Shutterstock

The extended producer responsibility program in the nation’s capital will once again allow for the use of R2-certified electronics recycling companies.

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Lithium-ion batteries cause fire at N.C. e-scrap facility

Published: April 26, 2023


Lithium primary batteries have a reputation for starting fires. | Courtesy of Sims Lifecycle Services

Lithium button cell batteries sparked a small fire at BlueSky Solutions, but an official at the North Carolina e-scrap recycler said workflow changes have been made to prevent future incidents.  Continue Reading

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ISRI recap: Exporters continue to face uncertainty

Published: April 26, 2023


A session at the ISRI Convention in Nashville, Tenn. featured (from left) moderator Jacqueline Lotzkar, Zhang Lin and Robin Cai. | Dan Leif/E-Scrap News

Last week’s Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries Convention put a focus on two issues critical to the global side of the sector: the state of recycling in China and efforts to enhance shipping protocols. Continue Reading

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Washington state lawmakers pass battery EPR bill

Published: April 20, 2023


The bills cover a wide range of items, from single-use plastics at lodging establishments to blades for wind turbines. | Ververidis Vasilis/Shutterstock

Washington state legislators sent to the governor’s desk a bill that sets up an extended producer responsibility program for batteries.  Continue Reading

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By going solo, IT lifecycle expert enjoys lifestyle change

Published: April 20, 2023


Todd Zegers captains his boat with his son, Zadrian, off the coast of Southern California in November 2020. | Courtesy of Todd Zegers

ITAD industry veteran Todd Zegers recently left Ingram Micro to start his own consulting business. As he launches his new venture, Zegers spoke with E-Scrap News to share reasons for the transition and insight on industry trends he’s seeing.  Continue Reading

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