News that a former e-scrap business owner pleaded guilty to CRT stockpiling crime drew attention last month. | underworld/Shutterstock
Articles about CRT stockpile charges, an op-ed challenging the R2 and e-Stewards certifications, and more attracted our readers’ clicks last month.
1 | Former e-scrap exec sentenced to three years probation
The former leader of Recycletronics, an Iowa e-scrap firm that amassed CRT stockpiles and failed in 2017, has been sentenced to probation for violating federal hazardous waste laws.
2 | In My Opinion: Does today’s industry need e-Stewards or R2?
A former e-scrap executive and e-Stewards employee argues that e-Stewards and R2 are no longer valuable for the industry, and he calls for the creation of a new certification program.
3 | Eastern Electronics Recycling owner pleads guilty to CRT crime
The owner and operator of a North Carolina e-scrap company has pleaded guilty to illegally storing lead-bearing CRT materials.
4 | Iron Mountain set to buy ITAD firm for $925 million
Data management and asset disposition giant Iron Mountain this month announced it will acquire a majority stake in ITRenew, a growing company with a focus on data center decommissioning.
5 | Sims opens Midwest redeployment centers
With the pandemic continuing to hamper supply chains for new electronics, Sims Lifecycle Services has made significant investments in helping data centers reuse their old equipment.