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Tag Archives: markets

NERC: Fiber makes up greater share of tons

Published: November 27, 2023

Bales of cardboard gathered for recycling.

Recently published figures from the Northeast Recycling Council unpacked the proportions of materials in curbside recycling bales. | Philip R/Shutterstock

For all the global, national and state-level arguments and policymaking surrounding plastics, paper continues to increase its already-large share of the curbside bin, new data shows. Continue Reading

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Haulers continue to see recycling revenue drops

Published: November 13, 2023

GFL waste hauling truck.

North America’s five biggest waste and recycling haulers recently reported their financial numbers. | Philip Lange/Shutterstock

Recovered fiber prices have steadily increased throughout 2023, but for North America’s top five haulers, the recycling business still isn’t what it used to be. Continue Reading

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AMERIPEN: Recycling market development efforts pay off

Published: October 23, 2023


A study from packaging research group AMERIPEN found that recycling market centers generated nearly 260,000 full-time equivalent jobs in the past 33 years. | Virrage Images/Shutterstock

Recently published research from AMERIPEN dug into the past three decades of state recycling marketing development, finding that creating recycling market centers can boost jobs, economic growth and the industry.  Continue Reading

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Markets sting recycling revenue for WM, others

Published: August 7, 2023

WM truck on a city street.

North America’s five largest hauling companies all reported year-over-year drops in recycling revenues for the second quarter of 2023. | 2p2play/Shutterstock

Fiber prices are slowly recovering from the rock-bottom values of late last year and early this year, but scrap plastic prices have fallen dramatically in recent months, taking a toll on the largest haulers’ recycling businesses.  Continue Reading

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Greif forecasts average $48-per-ton OCC cost this year

Published: September 11, 2023


The price of OCC has a major impact on Greif’s Paper Packaging & Services segment, which manufactures several corrugated fiber products. | JHVEPhoto/Shutterstock

Projecting an average OCC price of $48 per ton for this fiscal year, industrial packaging producer Greif Inc. continues to enjoy lower recycled fiber costs even as it experiences lower demand for many of its products. Continue Reading

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Plastic reclaimers grapple with ‘rock bottom’ pricing

Published: August 28, 2023


Although depressed plastics prices have caused some companies to revise their earnings projections, many in the sector are optimistic about an upcoming rebound. | Golden Dayz/Shutterstock

This story has been updated.

Recycled plastics prices are at their lowest levels in some time, putting significant strain on material processors. Meanwhile, some resin buyers are abandoning post-consumer resin to purchase virgin plastic instead. Continue Reading

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Paper giants foresee continuing rise in OCC prices

Published: August 28, 2023


OCC heading into a pulping machine at a Pacific Northwest paper mill. Four major recovered fiber companies recently detailed their outlooks for the future of OCC markets. | Jared Paben/Resource Recycling

Some of the largest consumers of fiber bales enjoyed low OCC prices during the second quarter, giving them a little margin relief amid an otherwise tough business environment. As the year progresses, they’re expecting to pay more for recovered fiber, however.  Continue Reading

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WestRock shuts down Washington paper mill

Published: August 7, 2023


WestRock announced it is shuttering its Tacoma, Wash. facility due to the mill’s high need for capital investment and to consolidate the company’s footprint. | Google

Paper giant WestRock is shutting down a nearly 100-year-old mill in Tacoma, Wash. that consumes OCC from recycling programs. The company says its decision is driven by high operating costs. Continue Reading

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